FURIA v2 vs Team xlibres (5302 views)

pl darkles
pl bartii
pl viC
pl gooly
pl orsz
de eRRoR
de TheRock
de Maulwurf
de pate
md eujen
se Ekto
se Ti+es

ESL 6on6 Winter League 2011/2012 - Division 4
Playoffs - LoserBracket Final
11.03.12 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Winter Leagues 2011 » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: darkleSs (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 17883
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 8


Lätt för er xlibres, Furia va sämst :p
gl ti+es och Ekto
Viel Glück Eujen
change lu pls, alpi out Maulwurf in.
izi 4 xlibres
I see furia figured out how to make ettv requests. probably w/o xlibres' permission too :)))

Don't play on uk server though, they'd /cry and moan
just for the information, no they didnt ask us, if we wanna play ettv :D
they cried on our last match about us requesting ettv w/o their permission just because we had the server hosted in UK. funny how things turn around :)

they requested w/o asking last time aswell, but since we dont care about playing with or w/o ettv, its fine
wir versuchen unser bestes, wir wollen revenge gegen ctrl ;)
weil es ein echt knappes game war, und wir so nen loss ent auf uns sitzen lassen wollen ;)
hoffen wirs doch ;)
You have € 100 on de xls
You won € 150

ja nice :D
gl eujen & ti+es:)
no hooli no win :(
furia wiecej na was nie stawiam juz dosc przejebalem xd
darkles gl bydlaku

np für starplayer iNGoLF :D

gl mauli & co
Ingolf hat immer alles im griff :DD
aggro :D :D :D du bist ja mies :D :D :D
jugendsünden :D
gl darkles :D
gl furia
Gl XLs
gl both
gl&hf FURIA
gl gooly
thx, I guess I'll need it!
viC :*
gg wp guys ;)
Cu in finals!!
u2 :D

btw we need to talk, we cant play next sunday xD
Kan vi lira den imorn?
nej, tites e bort hela veckan, onsdag om en vecka kan vi igen xD
therock ha nightshift hela veckan, etc etc
holy jävlar, hur gör vi dådå?:p admins kommer ju forca tills söndag
I'm not waiting 21 of this month just to play the grand final.... get a backup/merc and play it this week
well we played with 2 mercs tonight, since therock and pate couldnt play

tites gonna leave for a week monday/tuesday night

if were lucky we can play it tomorrow, but since eujen and some others are already offline, i can tell u tomorrow at around 7pm
få se, hoppas att vi kan göra nåt :(
you're on irc?
yes i am :D
