Kein Ziel vs etcfg (6127 views)

cl benjJ
cl Gamma
cl hanS
cl Intoosh
cl Kira
es Montes
ru slaw
ru etplr
ru Leotiran
ru FuBoR
ru G1ock
ru DamAskus
Good Luck & Have Fun!
10.03.12 20:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: FuBoR (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 12469
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 15


gl kiraboys<3
gl etcfg
hana <3
gl russians :)
gl both :)
gl ruskies, biez vodki niet rozbieriosh
understood almost everything :< just wanna impress ya with my russian langauge skill
gl fubor
slaw: "Aha. Ahahaha"
old pic..., i saw it at swertcw collection..
but still cool
You have € 50 on etcfg
Possible win: € 62.5

etcfg got nice teamplay
it depends with what to compare..
surely better than on public server
not sure about 2nd part of message
You have € 100 on kZl
Possible win: € 384
gl etcfg =)
gl slavic brothers!
gl russkis
as f far as i see some of your players was useless coz of high ping.
if Kein Ziel want, we can play another one match in a few days, if fubor will be in good mood.
with some more comfortable pings on your side, though we don't want any bad pings on our side as well.

some other maps.. i hope..