Team sebi vs Team Sinnu (4596 views)

hu sebi
hu Nonix
at fuJiii
de busyD
es Hayes
de RazZaH
ee Sinnu
be Sh1zzle
nl Banaan
se Weslann
se Ekto
fr teki
13.03.12 20:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Crossfire Community Draft Tournament » Matchlink
Manager: fanatic (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 6234
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 10


GL Teki ;)
ez mi? hogy jöttek össze ezek a csapatok, kik ezek? :P amúgy gl
omg teki
gl fujii & hayes !
GL weslann!
GL Weslann homo and Gosu :)
Snacki and Banaan are replaced by Ekto(SWE) and Daenji(GER)
Hayes is replaced by pl Robert

E: plRobert is replaced by pl riZla
now watch the bets change
haha best joke ever :D you are here because I have lost my inet :) you will not be more lucky next time !
change as in go in favour of sinnu
gl Daenji :P
Daenji proud
Robert is replaced by $kynet
change as in go in favour of sinnu again :D welcome to the unlucky world Roberto !
sadly razzah is a sour cunt :<
i dont give a shit. if you want to play then play, but i wont fucking play with you in one team anymore
admin said you play so care
if its care then dont make such a big story out of this case

just join an other team then. whats so hard? you are backup and there are enough teams out there that need a player
they don't need rifles
then i join a different team and you join this

then say that to admin/rizla/sebi?
they all went offline already and as i said i dont care

if you find me another team then im fine
it's not up to me to find it, you're the one that had a problem in the 1st place
heul net! ich hasse den kerl genauso aber es isn nunmal n draft cup
steh zu deiner meinung razzah mit hurensöhnen spielt man nunmal nicht.
stay out of it ESL|Aggro
to sad that here is no ignore list :<
ignore .de would be awesome function
macht eh keinen sinn mit ihm zu reden. ich kann dir gerne die logs von gestern abend schicken, in denen er ausdrücklich gesagt hat, dass es ihm garnicht mehr darum geht zu spielen oder nicht, sondern dass ross und ich von der community runtergemacht werden.

stop spreading dem lies
<RazZaH> so what to do now with draft
<Robert^^> well like I said
<Robert^^> I don't want to play
<RazZaH> fine
<RazZaH> then dont complain
<Robert^^> ofc I will
<RazZaH> then play
<Robert^^> what's the point?
<RazZaH> to get what you want
<Robert^^> won't get it anymore
<RazZaH> srsly
<RazZaH> so basicly you just try to blame everyone for that
<Robert^^> nope
<Robert^^> just you
<Robert^^> and ross ofc
$KYNET vs. tEki

Daenji replaced by Banaan(NED) now
make up your mind :D
why? :{D
Cuz of the rules, Must stay original to the main lineup.
gl Teki :)
gl blondies weslann and ekto
gl razzah :)
teki MVP

You have € 250 on Sinnu
You won € 297.5