Estonia vs Netherlands (8995 views)

ee frEeze
ee mant
ee Night
ee rAUL
ee Sinnu
ee subbi
nl saKen
nl joshua
nl SQuid
nl L4mpje
nl xPERiA

CB NationsCup XV
Playoffs: Lower Bracket Round 3
NED - goldrush
Estonia - bremen_b3
18.03.12 21:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET NationsCup XV » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: fanatic (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Bremen_b3
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 82854
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Radio Commentary
gb #QuadV Stream 2
By: owzo
Listen to owzo
Language: English

Total Slots: 1,000
Listener Peak: 64

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 211


GL Holland!
gl est
should be good, gl estonia and xperia :)
thanks brah, means alot to me :$
It'll be an even game ;) good luck Estonia.
It can be interesting match
Gl sQuid
must see; will root for eesti though bet on nl, idk
go go go go est gl!
fu nl
Gl NL!
gl jallaaa & .nl! :o)
hf squidje
gl EE and xperia x)
gl basje

big bisous
Where's Ati? /:
Gl saKen :)
gl lamp, zak josh
zet m op jongens :)
gl xperia!
good luck nait <3
gl guise :)
gl L4mpje pwner
gl xperi\_/, squid :S
hahahah thanks brah, please accept my empty cup of care \_/
actually that is a glass, for it to qualify as a cup it must have a handle, see below:

Looks more like a mug not a cup
rolled by owzo
Pressure's on tonight mate ;D
im going to open winamp just for you bob you better make the people notice this!
I will don't you worry :)
Is it possible to sync shoutcast and ettv stream somehow?
winamp should be able to. AIMP for sure not.
How can i do it with winamp?
press pause for 20/30 seconds. then press play..
when the shoutcaster counts down from 3, pause when he says fight, and play when i happens on ettv
upload > xperia
eitje voor lampje
sinnu playing = Loss
gl tante antje o_0
ge el eesti
gl nl
gl zak
score ?
gg wp
You have € 102 on EST
You lost
goed gedaan mannen =p
You have € 3500 on ee EST
You lost

wait what
wtf, 3:1 pidi olema ju.
netjes! :D
ggs :)

hahah man he cracks me up
I'm not sure whether he's joking or he actually is as smart as a banana
wp, why you didn't play rifle ?:D
mant is our rifle

who said we're gonna quit? preparations for next NC start tomorrow
ah :D
:D goldorak is idiot
sinnu 3k dmg, gg, noob, vead eesti nii põhja kui see veel võimalik on
tal salves poole vähem kuule
hea :D:D:D
Statsid on fucked nerd. Ime üks cock.
goldorak best source of entertainment since vila
once again Goldorak proves that CB should stand for CamelBrain..
QuoteCB should stand for CamelBrain

what happened?
he dunno what happen so he just say useless things as usual
You have € 444 on ee EST
You lost

oh u
n1 goldorak.
goed gedaan jongens :D
Like last season, first lost to be, then win over hr and again lost to nl

source -
