Controlled-Gaming WarTeam vs Vindication eSports (5314 views)

us Equanimity
se Weslann
fi dTEC7
ch GirljZE
be BuNeD
de mental
17.03.12 22:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Int. 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: Mccloud (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
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Total Pot: € 10123
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 37


gl hf boys
gl dTEC7
gl dTEC7
gl dTEC7
gl dTEC7
lol and this weslan was flaming me once about nerding HAHA
Where did i do that?:(
cba searching. off now cU.
Weslann, flamming ? Is it possible :x ?
izi money You have € 28 on vin
Possible win: € 70
i am avi xD
tba ftw
avi /q me on
You have € 10 on vin
Possible win: € 17.6

Gl feeders
haha easy :D
GL Weslann & GirljZE
gl bunnn
gl homos
calm down mental
Forever 6o6 loser

nice dmg at supply 3800 in 2 rounds ;D? he outdamaged u both so np ;D
but wp ctrld goodgame
damage is not everything, understand that u moron
weslann furious? i saw real pic of this dude: even in reallife he is furious XD
why are you sticking up for vin? really no one gives a shit about damage kills headshots or stats results remains 4-0 no matter what you say. you are never playing ettv ever cause you're too shit. so I suggest you show us how to play like we're getting paid for it, or stfu.
what are you talking about XD ur not even talking about the subject hahahah
and i care less if i play ettv or not? that u are so nerd.
ur mad gg and wp to your shit team dTEC -> them
You seem as if you had a very sad & oppressed child hood, you should consider seeking counseling, you care about a video game far too much.
just because you played on ettv doesn't exactly mean you are teh skillar
I think you need to read what I said to wedsec ksince he's always talking about stats in game and laughing, he should show us how it's done instead.
he outdamaged you both so np

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::D and ofcourse u point out supply because he didnt do that in overall nor in grush basic nl brain
relevant to ctrl in every way X:D
no I was talkin about the 6o6 loser part
calm the fuck down, ur overrated as hell, gg wp thx bb
stop kicking off its pathetic :/
mental y u upset?
u just mad cause u're ugly np ;)
If u need to talk about irl to try being funny, u gonna have shit popularity.
u mad sis ? not gonna call u bro anymore after i seen this pic
you aren't even close to be funny..
Attend t'as vu la honte monumentale que tu te tapes par kaze ? chais même pas pourquoi tu continues de venir sur gtv ?
T'es vraiment le pire des imbéciles que j'ai pu cotoyer ;)
Et si on allait voir un peu dans tes photos fb on pourrait se fendre la gueulle 1000 fois plus.
Après désolé d'avoir un semblant de ressemblance à ce qu'on appelle l'être humain, pas ma faute si t'es un raté.
HAHAHAHA il t'a bien niquer
heu non, écoute j'ai pas honte de moi, donc il peut poster la photo qu'il veut ;)
Par contre si on voyait les tiennes de photo, oulala :/ Tqt jcomprends splituh's bro
mental fucking nerd -.-