zeroskill vs etcfg (5441 views)

pl feanor
pl johNny
pl robol
pl wiesiek
pl stamina
pl zefir
ru slaw
ru etplr
ru Leotiran
ru FuBoR
ru Arcadia
ru DamAskus
22.03.12 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: #et.tourney » Matchlink
Hosting: #et.tourney
Manager: FuBoR (Requestee)
Maps: Bremen_b3
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 37527
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 49


HF ZS! Go Go Feanor Stamina Robol Bam!
ja govorju udachi rebjata , etcfg will win this match :=)
otkuda ti znaew? :)
udachi EtCFG
gL zerosy
gl zerosy!
gl johnny wiesiek stamina :)
You have € 88 on etcfg
Possible win: € 484

izi money again ;P
chtoto po privedushij igre History- bila neudacha :)
otkuda takaja uverinostj ? :)
a mne chto, poiti v ugol i plakat'za, 4to i noob i 100% vsosy?
wiesiek rozpierdoli radzieckie scierwo
how come no pl dildo dealer in lu?

gl ru
hi :), was away -- working in other city - but as you see they do well without me, maybe even better :) - still waiting for active team banda :)
gl johnny
gl wiesiek
wojna Wiesiu GL
gl owies
score ?
go wiesiek <3
dudes, it is shame to startup team poland vs us
robol, wiesiek, ohueli sovsem
saying team russia
where was clown ?
he is eurocup skill
plays with us very rare