SYMBOLES vs iabg (5107 views)

fr SouNd
fr Kraguesh
fr Pastrana
fr SKyLiNe
be Ouchen
fr uzeh
cz shisha
cz desitka
cz t4Mj
cz mnew
cz Prokinek
cz Sklamak

5th division - Semifinal
05.04.12 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: #et.tourney » Matchlink
Hosting: #et.tourney
Manager: SouNd (Requestee)
Maps: Radar
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 10580
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: unknown


gl kraguesh & pastrana :D
merci bro :'( tu nous manques
héhé, la même je viendrais bientôt vous voir, mais pas pour jouer à ET :) Je pourrais même pas venir vous spec, je serais devant Drake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
tu as de la chance, Drake viens de 20-30min de chez moi, tu vas bien aimer :)
héhé, il était lourd le concert, et lui, il était monstrueux... :D
Hf :p
To both teams:

Would it be good for you to play final the same night at 22?
We can´t , sorry. For us is better sunday 21:00 CEST
guess this question is mainly for symboles :D
wait the match's result guy :D
gabri pm me in irc plz^^ #symbole
gl symbole
gl tamjee :P
omg quake :D gl men ! gl pastrana!
GL SouNd
GL SouNd
GL Sound:>
gl iabg
izi 4 me
izi money :D iabg si povodí ty frantíky XD
come back d'uzeh, lol??? gl à toi mon lapin :)
gl SouNd !
:D tos nemel rikat ted bude na nas dobrej kurz
v poho proki je prej low+ max. :D
Hf Sound and pastralagg :D
gl shisha :p
gl tommy a pozdrav stareho kamarada :)
gl pastra krag sound sky shisha and Sklamak
Gl Krag :)
no ettv ?
EPIC FAIL :p no ettv :/
iabg 4:2 symbols
too bad
You have € 3000 on fr sex
You lost

all ma moneE :(
c'est quoi ça????????????