Finland vs Poland (28087 views)

NationsCup XV
Playoffs: Lower Bracket Final
11.04.12 22:00 CEST
Status: | Finished | ![]() Get Button LinksHTML: BBCode: |
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League: | CB ET NationsCup XV » Matchlink | |
Hosting: | ClanBase | |
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Maps: | Adlernest | |
Sw_goldrush_te | ||
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Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 373
Viewer Peak: 373

LU can be modified
nice match!
You have 250 on fi FIN
Possible win: 490
You have 250 on fi FIN
Possible win: 490
You have 432 on FIN
Possible win: 829.44
Possible win: 829.44
You have 55 on pl POL
Possible win: 1243.55
Possible win: 1243.55
izi for kraguesh !
gl FIN!!
GL Poland
GL Frag'Stealer, hunter
GL Frag'Stealer, hunter
Would love to see Sample and Ensam come back and play, or is Ensam allergic to tzac?
ensam having fun in the army
well at least he is lasting, heard mind gave up after like a week.. pathetic geek
well I heard ensam had it quite easy but nevertheless got it over with.
they allow u to leave army in finland if u dont like it or what :O?
well i dunno, mind couldn't handle it because he was prolly getting bullied or somethin (made some excuse about being ill :D) so they let him go
must have been real hard for him not to be threated like a "pro"
Unless you are able to talk yourself out with a medical condition (or mental), you can opt for civil service which lasts a year.
ymca ?
Why sampe aint playing? They could choose with iron who could be rifle or smg
its all on captain. twidi has chosen those players i think
missing Stuka also
stuka was on the team, got replaced by olbaa. I think sample didn't wanna play cos hes not that active.
I think that the main reason for using jewe in stead of stuka is that the lineup is almost the same as fin6 and jewe is more active. Better to trust in players who have been playing together than a mixed all-star lineup with no practise.
GL Frag'Stealer oraz fancio <3333
fancio :DDDDD
fanteczek 8DDDDDDDDD
GL Polannnnnd ! :D
You have 4 on POL
Possible win: 9.84
Possible win: 9.84

diAler - fanatic GL&HF
You have 4 on POL
Possible win: 174.32
Possible win: 174.32
gl polaczki
You have 27 on pl POL
Possible win: 1176.66
You have 27 on pl POL
Possible win: 1176.66
You have 362 on pl POL Cancel bet
Possible win: 13108.02
I believe !
Possible win: 13108.02
I believe !
You have 302 on pl POL
Possible win: 9854.26
Possible win: 9854.26
enjoy losing bro! :D
Will see, will see (:
we saw jack, we saw
Byloby fajnie jakbys ponapierdalal fintardow miotla :D
wez juz nie liz dupy
Zamknij ryj subakk
real nick
Possible win: 1619.25 GL polska :DDD
gl & hf polska :)
gl fin :d
You have 98 on pl POL
Possible win: 1332.8
Possible win: 1332.8
wiadro jak znalazl w lany poniedzialek!
po co tyle nowych nickow dialer dodal do cb skoro gramy zelazna 6?
z tego co mi wiadomo el kapitano nie powolal nas, a przynajmniej mnie, do sluzby wiec chyba nie gramy "zelazna 6"
spojrz co z niego za typ, ty mu dupe lizesz a on ci takie cos, smutno
dokladnie tak jak mowisz
chodzi mi o tych stexxow lukeyow lestow dodanych w czasie turnieju, zastanawialem sie poprostu po co skoro roszad w skladzie raczej juz nie bedzie :P
e: dobra widze ze lest wpadl do walki o medale :P
e: dobra widze ze lest wpadl do walki o medale :P
Gl Poland !!
You have 100 on POL
Possible win: 1881
You have 100 on POL
Possible win: 1881
Iron show us what your made of!
he's made of Iron i guess
How IRONic
über fail Nationscup. No: naga, wiesiu, xanah, templar, lepari. HF both
+ ensam and sample
et is deaf
every single time you make a comment its to complain that old players are missing, get over it fuck face
: D
so true
because the game is full of bastards like you who became hero from zero after 1 week and treat themselves like some kind of pro's . :) hf buliding career on the interwebz, and eating your own shit.
maybe the problem was - that the so called pro gamers didnt want to play with some new faces? - there are many good players around who never played in a skilled team -- and there are also a lof of so called highskillers who are not even med skilled and only carried by the rest of team
and instead of beeing happy there are some good new players around to play with - you whine, what a shame
and instead of beeing happy there are some good new players around to play with - you whine, what a shame
Yea, maybe that "über fail NC" part was whiner talk. I am happy there is still a Nationscup, but sad because old players (some of my friends) left.
Why should old players play with New'ers? They have their own company. You know its better to play with people you know (friends) instead of recruiting random skiller guy who will get busted. Yea, I say many of those "new stars" are cheating, or cheated. but this is ET where excheaters can play Eurocup, NC and stuff.
e: same shit in Hungarian community. back then we had that 6-10 men company and "opponent" player we liked to play against or with. Now the most quit'ed and FUCK I don't really feel like I should replace my old dude's with new faces. and thats not because the new guys joined 2.6 ET max 2 months ago. Having fun with ppl > skill, but they are not bad anyway.
Why should old players play with New'ers? They have their own company. You know its better to play with people you know (friends) instead of recruiting random skiller guy who will get busted. Yea, I say many of those "new stars" are cheating, or cheated. but this is ET where excheaters can play Eurocup, NC and stuff.
e: same shit in Hungarian community. back then we had that 6-10 men company and "opponent" player we liked to play against or with. Now the most quit'ed and FUCK I don't really feel like I should replace my old dude's with new faces. and thats not because the new guys joined 2.6 ET max 2 months ago. Having fun with ppl > skill, but they are not bad anyway.
i dont think there are many skilled cheaters around - there are some true - but there always were
Skilled cheaters? Lol
somthg is wrong with u :o
old players left, lets not replace them and let ET die cuz a small part of the community just cry. ure sad
epic commend is epic^^
replace them people who ve never been cheating, thx. but thats community thing, not only the company of people, they re not "replaceable"
replace them people who ve never been cheating, thx. but thats community thing, not only the company of people, they re not "replaceable"
You have 15000 on POL
Possible win: 78000 chyba mnnie pojebalo
Possible win: 78000 chyba mnnie pojebalo
i to w chuj
no chyba nie
chlopaki kurwa, zdabadzcie ze to Mistrzostwo Swiata, pewnie ostatnia szansa. POWODZENIA
gl proland ;]
gl squall :) gl finland :)
gl biggie
izi fins
gl poland
Fanatic to jedyna osoba grajaca na obj w tym teamie, a wy go chcecie wyejebac :), no gl
w sumie caly team ladnie gra
Fakt, moze to zle ujalem, ale fanatic robil tam 70 % obj takze czarno to widze
to znajda sobie innego murzyna ktory bedzie robil 100% obj :D
a kto za fanatica?
izi Fin
fanatic so low... :C
said nightmare12
latest news : PL will surely forfeit due to easter hollidays
again in English
Are you braindead or fucking retarded?
how about both? :D
just both but they might actually forfeit
I wouldn't let a nation forfeit at current cup state tbh... only stupid admins would.
just say "only goldorak would" :)
gl Proland
You have 53 on pl POL
Possible win: 651.9
Possible win: 651.9
GL polaczki:))
izi for Fin
GL Poland !
wiaderko! s4rna wiesiek !
pierdol sie haxie :{D
GL frag'stealer, dialer, hunter, krein, zMk!!
GL hunter!

Just arrived from Gdansk back to finland. Beautiful place, fantastic food. Didnt sense any ET nationscup hysteria there though. Those polish geeks must be lurking underground somewhere getting ready for the big game. Powodzenia! :D
heard there was an agry mob in Warsaw when they found out dialer will forfeit the game

(ch)lany poniedzialek
damn gonna miss this one, i am so gutted !!!!!!
You have 20 on POL
Possible win: 43
chuj tam raz sie zyje
Possible win: 43
chuj tam raz sie zyje
i raz traci kase na GTV stawiajac na PL
gonna be a nice match to watch, unlike kamz's ones.
gl pl
won't be played today
hurry up and play noopz
Its gonna be tomorrow or then its forfeit
GL Polnad ~!
lesti:o gl
izi fin !
who is lesti ?
z calym szacunkiem dla lestiego ale chyba ochujales
ja bym tam wpierdolil dizla.
ja bym tam wpierdolil dizla.
z calym szacunkiem ssij mi druta
no szkoda ze slonecznik w swoim patatajskim nosie juz wedzisz 3 rok i ci jebie z ryja spalinami ursusa hepie pierdolony
z tego suchara spokojnie tosty mozna zrobic cepie jebany.
cepem to ci trzech wchodzilo i chuja zrobiles baranie pierdolony xD
czterech kurwa xDDDDDDDDD
no widac grzesiek ze ojciec wrocil z zakladu bo grypsujesz jak andrzej po nalezytym upierdoleniu............
dizel chuj
do szkoly gimbusie
japa biedaku :)
ale wypierdalaj na etweba czy inne gowno ze swoimi gimbo tekstami
niestety nie trafiles trollu :)
a powiedz mi kogo ma wziac do tej kady? kurwa kogo?
palemki, syriusz, abject ?
Hf bot's
no fintardy chyba sie ogarnely ze taki kurs jest na nich, a poltardom chyba juz sie limit farta wyczerpal w tej edycji NC
You have 108 on POL
Possible win: 636.12
bitch please XD
Possible win: 636.12
bitch please XD
zostalo jeszcze troche farta :XD
must be a joke
hf Fin gl Pl
gl dialer fanatic .....
gl finland !
hf Matias :O) :DDD
lesti...kurwa no nie;[
kot za fanatica i jest paka na wygranie NC XD
dzieki tej
Lesti po wczorajszym meczu dostal awans :D Gl !
60 % of posts i understand like = kurwa KURWA K U R W A !
U know, polish power.
no,its more like KURWAvodkaKURWAjebanywodkakurwaKURWA!!
Your wrong there are all LOW-
Waited years for this day
gl mati golbaa jewe sal, frag zmk
hah ^^ ciągłe zmiany, miejmy nadzieję, że na korzyść Polaków : )
Wiecej polskich znakow na zagranicznej stronie.
hah ^^ ciagle zmiany, miejmy nadzieje, ze na korzysc Polakow : )
Nie ma za co!
Nie ma za co!
ale zajebka a Ty szpyru japa, poza tym kazdy ma prawo sie pomylic. dzieki
ja tylko przetlumaczylem temu idiocie co napisales. ZERO WROGOSCI
Japa :D:DD Po prostu niech to do Was dojdzie, ze angielska strona nie "czyta" Polskich znakow ;x;x;x;x
Gl Poland, gonna need it
I like dogs!
gogo finland!
gl hunter , zMk :D
gl hunter , zMk :D
You have 10 on pl POL
Possible win: 61.8
Possible win: 61.8
gl both expecting great nc final..
Playoffs: Lower Bracket Final
my fault, expecting great MATCH
no arnold no win ;D
where's pittysku =( ????????
gl & hf hunter :)
gl suomi
Lest za kreina , wkoncu...
gl finland
Gl poland
Viewer Peak: 613
Hyc o podloge
radar kurwa bec!
Viewer Peak: 348 po przegranym radarze
radar kurwa bec!
Viewer Peak: 348 po przegranym radarze
hunter > all
Finland DDOS'd the server :-)
No lepari doc run no win :<
lest best truck driver in et
Gregor dlaczego to zrobiles :D
You have 100 on pl POL
You won 584
You won 584
You have 2500 on FIN
You lost
You lost
You have 1700 on fi FIN
You lost
You lost
You have 500 on fi FIN
You lost
on est trop fort kart
You lost
on est trop fort kart
You have 250 on POL
You won 1460
You won 1460
mdr culey va :DD
je me suis trompé en plus je voulais bet finland :) ; ils auraient jamais du perdre gr
comme koi de se tromper,ca a du bon des fois :=)
You have 2000 on fi FIN
You lost
You lost
You have 15000 on FIN
You lost
You lost
haha omg fanatic :p
nice meczyk :P
Nice match :D ladnie !!
You have 555 on pl POL
You won 3241.2
You have 555 on pl POL
You won 3241.2
lucker!! :D
cu @ final try to reach zmk level
said cu @ final not back to the past
ok polak waterboy
You have 106 on pl POL
You won 619.04
take that! :D
You won 619.04
take that! :D
nice selfkill Squall :)
Fanatic best team player evah ! GG !
ladny mecz... gg
OMG :DDDDDDD You have 500 on pl POL
You won 2920 GGTHXBB
You won 2920 GGTHXBB
haha wtf
You have 77 on POL
You won 449.68
You won 449.68
hunter pro player
hunter pro player
You have 300 on pl POL
You won 1752 thx fanatic ! :D hunter :D:D:D:D zmk: D thx
You won 1752 thx fanatic ! :D hunter :D:D:D:D zmk: D thx
You have 1541 on fi FIN
You lost
You lost
Kuka oli edellä oleva medici ku ei nähny dialeria oottamassa cp portais
lesti jak na mlodego calkiem niezle zagral
zgadza sie troche radar w obronie zapieprzyl, z granatem w lapie mozna na ffa biegac nie na nc :D
kurwa jakiego mlodego... on napierdala juz dosc dlugo w ta gre na przyzwoitym poziomie
Widze,ze nie znasz znaczenia slowa "mlody" w ten kontekscie
You have 116 on POL
You won 677.44
GL Proland :DDD
You won 677.44
GL Proland :DDD
ET is dead
ET is dead
et is ALIVE!!!!
You have 132 on POL
You won 770.88
You won 770.88
You have 1000 on POL
You won 5840
You won 5840
You have 100 on POL
You won 584
i c what u did there
You won 584
i c what u did there
Iron unlucky on adler @ axis :/
Izi 4 PL hunter > all GG WP
GJ Fanatic,Hunter,zMk
Gratulacje chlopaki ! Zapraszam na kolejny shoutcast polakow :)
gg poland
so many stupid fulls on adler
this sucks! well no can do... anyways gg PL!
You have 2738 on fi FIN
You lost
You lost
no me no win
sux for you:D
You have 2651 on fi FIN
You lost
jewe naaaaab!
You lost
jewe naaaaab!
You have 58 on pl POL
You won 338.72
ggs wp, we played horribly and my full on adler was just the nail on the coffin rly :D
You won 338.72
ggs wp, we played horribly and my full on adler was just the nail on the coffin rly :D
ET is dead
ET est décédé
ggs wp, hopefully you can put a good fight against UK in the final!
You deserved the final spot since we played so bad and made stupid mistakes all the time that cost us the game.
Lost interest to ET since I've played so much lately and performed so fucking shit in this game, don't know if I want to continue anymore...
You deserved the final spot since we played so bad and made stupid mistakes all the time that cost us the game.
Lost interest to ET since I've played so much lately and performed so fucking shit in this game, don't know if I want to continue anymore...
are you still @ brokenpc?
are you still @ brokenpc?
<3 matias
Good Bye! HF in real life!!! :)
Dont quit mati :(
dont quit u r my hero :x
Thanks for the memories! (if you do quit).
FT: Atletico Madrid 1-4 Real Madrid (55' Falcao | 25', 68' ,83' Cristiano, 87' Callejón). ¡Hala Madrid!
Fanatic > Cristiano Ronaldo
You have 77 on pl POL
You won 449.68
GG :)
You won 449.68
GG :)
You have 15 on POL
You won 87.6
You won 87.6
You have 90 on pl POL
You won 525.6
easy money.
You won 525.6
easy money.
szefie, ochujales? zwycieskiego skladu sie nie zmienia!
Fanatic OMGx5 adler, zioMus nice work, hunter wypierdalaj z tym modemem, FS przestan cpac :DDD lesti? dean? - na fina ogarnij ktos nr do Wiecha bo Angli nie rozjedziemy... our sw_goldrush
Fanatic OMGx5 adler, zioMus nice work, hunter wypierdalaj z tym modemem, FS przestan cpac :DDD lesti? dean? - na fina ogarnij ktos nr do Wiecha bo Angli nie rozjedziemy... our sw_goldrush
co ty pierdolisz
This game could really of used owzo casting!
ggs, surprising :P
ggs, surprising :P
(23:55:56) (SimonKinsler) Congrats on bronze medal
[5:52]: The Doors are opening!!
[5:41]: Main blast door opening!
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[1:48]: Main blast door opening!
[1:42]: Main blast door closing!
[1:35]: Main blast door opening!
[1:31]: Main blast door closing!
[1:16]: Main blast door opening!
[1:12]: Main blast door closing!
[1:07]: Main blast door opening!
[1:03]: Main blast door closing!
[0:56]: Main blast door opening!
[0:52]: Main blast door closing!
[5:41]: Main blast door opening!
[2:13]: Main blast door closing!
[2:07]: Main blast door opening!
[2:03]: Main blast door closing!
[1:58]: Main blast door opening!
[1:53]: Main blast door closing!
[1:48]: Main blast door opening!
[1:42]: Main blast door closing!
[1:35]: Main blast door opening!
[1:31]: Main blast door closing!
[1:16]: Main blast door opening!
[1:12]: Main blast door closing!
[1:07]: Main blast door opening!
[1:03]: Main blast door closing!
[0:56]: Main blast door opening!
[0:52]: Main blast door closing!
ye it was hunter xd
You have 12 on POL
You won 70.08
lol :)
You won 70.08
lol :)
ggs dean !
You have 85 on POL
You won 496.4
You won 496.4
You have 94 on POL
You won 548.96
You won 548.96
You have 108 on POL
You won 630.72
You won 630.72
You have 27 on POL
You won 157.68
You won 157.68
dean new star ?
new gnajda :XD
You have 45 on fi FIN
You lost
You lost
You have 500 on POL
You won 2920
You won 2920
fuck u finland...You have 1040 on FIN
You lost
You lost
dobra robota
You have 10 on fi FIN
You lost
You lost
ale jaja
congrats on finals, POL
You have 177 on POL
You won 1033.68
You won 1033.68