Belgian Fraternity vs Nothing But Skillz (9116 views)

be Gifted
be AL1
be Sup3r
be chizz6l
be Jere
be PlAyer
de s1lent
ee Sinnu
nl MOT1F
ca bN
be fostruM
11.04.12 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Battle For Berlin II
Hosting: Official GTV Coverage
Manager: SimonKinsler (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Adlernest
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 63979
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 111


gl nbs!
gl Belgians
2 stars? :D

You have € 312 on be BF
Possible win: € 1101.36
we are not able to win pracs though! just played 2 & won only 1 map out of 7
Will see, will see :)
gl brandon <3
gl bn
Komaan belgen :D
gl NBS :-)
gl sinnu, bn and jere!
uNDEAD owner
gl belgian :) <3
Gl AL1 & Jere ;)
al1 beck from da club watch out he got number from 1 biaci :D
whaha theses AL1.. idd so sad !! xD
no offence but nbs will take this easily!
I will shit on your chest and make you eat it if we win
okai :), well they are just praccin hard, thats why i cnat see u winning this!
you can do that to me even if we lose :) x
pff all in on NBS :) !
undead gonna rape hard :<
fostrum gonna rape hard :<
me not playyy!
Sinnu gonna rape hard :<
bF internal issues. They aren't psychologically prepared.
When have they been ?!?! :DDDDDDDDDDX::D:XD:XJD:X:DLX:DD
lol you just mad cuz we sync flame you :S our syncronised flaming has never been this good
gl bf mates
PLAYERs PRACCING 24/7-team against old bF skillZ

should be an interesting game..



Im sorry, but I don't take comments from low+ players.
mees sa oled iga 3on3 mult rolli saanud mille mu vastu pelanud chill now
3on3 ? Ma pelasin viimane kord 3on3 mingi aastal 2009 äkki? Peast soe oled? Roni koopast välja ja hinga veidi värsket õhku.
2009 :d mine munni valetaja 2011 oli veel türa taun värskenda mälu
2011 oli veel türa taun? Mitte midagi ei saa su jutust aru, ei imesta kui sa räägid samamoodi nagu kirjutad. Puudega vend oled ikka...
õpi lugema prill 2011 pelasin vabalt veel sinu vastu lier ime kotte sa oled sitt
Loe oma lauset uuesti ja siis kirjuta ilusti, nii et saad õigetele nuppudele pihta. Hoia oma sõnu oma puudega sõprade jaoks lastehaiglas.
söö üks munn lowskiller , ma sinuasmel taandaks oma ego
söö üks cheat brokenmouse, täielik hälvik oled ikka :D
vaat kes räägib vana paks peer isiklikult
Kas sulle pakub rahuldust selliste, täiesti sisutute ja lambiste kommentaaride kirjutamine siia saidile?
tra siin võiks olla LIKE nupp, laigiks kõiki kommentaare. so much fun in so much levels
munnid imege kella
bF will wildcard :) just because they did :) hghehehe
I'm all with you
Gl LagMen - Jere
Good luck Sinnu, you'll need it, bad player.
Gege Wouter. Looking forward to Shizz's comment.
Yeah, Sinnu rly bad....:P
hf Nbs :)
We'll see, won't we.
eiei sinnu, sa pead ikka kindlalt quittima :D:D
Mhmmm, vist küll. Siis saavad tugevamad vennad ehk eesti koondisesse.
bN is a team.volta player and cannot lose.
komaan he sukkels toont da is hoe da moet he :D
vind ik ook
kdacht efkes dat je "vind ik leuk" geschreven had :D
waarom speel je niet ? replace die sukkels van yench of sinnu eens..
wie ik of harmen? :p
heb hun gewoon geholpen in et.tourney... voor de rest speel ik met queens
You have € 35 on Nbs
Possible win: € 45.5
someone trolling odds
might be later due ec quali/chizz6l lateness.
gl harmen
gl Jere, uNDEAD, sinnu and bn
fucking sala trolling the bet
no me

You have € 300000 on BF
Possible win: € 408000
and what if i put the match time earlier? have balls?

sure,i trust my fellow bF comrads
hf losing your money haha :P
still you failed 6,666 € on be BF Lost :D
comeon nbs, dont let me down!

You have € 336 on eu Nbs
Possible win: € 1246.56
who is silent?? mmmmmmmmmm i think a random guy:((
anim, I know this picture always makes you feel better

np 4 letting you play this silent, instead of that odc :)
gl al1
please explain yourself toNi
go be
gl branno fostrum
You have € 2500 on eu Nbs
You won € 4875

oh guys
fuck schon wieder pleite
You have € 5000 on eu Nbs
You won € 9750
as i said... cannot lose! :D
doing me proud anim m8!
why suckage? :-)
jullie hebben goed gespeeld hoor ;p
mwa op belangrijke momenten gefaald :P
Was machtn da s1lent im lu
Wp Gg
You have € 336 on Nbs
You won € 655.2
undead still got it
Yep..the curing of aids doesnt happen over night..
Nbs owning lately, n1
Hea töö Sinnu :)