Queens vs sleeperzzz (10663 views)

de butchji
gb razz
be chry
pl wiaderko
nl xPERiA
ee freeze
is phyzic
fi toNi
dk xcN
hu Nonix
hu seb1
hu varadi
de znArk
10.04.12 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Battle For Berlin II
Hosting: Official GTV Coverage
Manager: SimonKinsler (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Adlernest
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 158093
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 131


gl [flag=BE]butchji
wiadro ogien!! gl queens
too many rambos for queens i guess
expected, i bet razz picked the lineup.. he has no clue about ET despite nerding the life out of the game to a whole new level
first funny reply from you, gz!
Thought the same :)
i am glad i finally delivered
gl zZz
gg aimers quen
Queens need KOT
gl freeze and moustache!
mr wiaderko ;)))))))))))))))) GL :!
gl wiaderko !
sick lineup queens
- razz
+ sqzz
would make the team a lot better idd, razz thinks he can play every role there is but really all he can do is rambo around, he thinks he's a good medic and good eng when he's not.. sqzz is a more complete palyer
sadly your both wrong, even though sqzz is the best player atm, This team would fail without a teamleader like me so i doubt they would do better with me out :) considering im a fucking beaSt anyway haha
Me > You.
Cant compare us chewz m8 we all know the score!
You'll get there one day :)
You're a sandwich jambon beurre, Sir!

You are not a teamleader. Team leaders don't care about their stats and always think of what the team is doing.
+1 thats what i am
normally i'd think this person would be trolling but you're too stupid so i think u actually believe it

ah well, whatever makes u happy !!
Actaully you are trying to make mad, not happy
Actually you are try to speak english but ingrish
ye u makin mads everywhere br0
np 4 butchji

lol... to easy 4 butch & co...
gl wiadro!
gl toni
damn, cant wait to see sleeperzzz getting bashed
have fun lads, going to spain in few hours and ill be back in 2week to nerd with you :)))))))))))
Gl Wiadro, xPERiA. freeze :)
gl freeze hf wiadero :)
hf toni, xcon & znark=)
jeh only karnaj was missing from that list -_-
i guess evo is missing from your team?
gl chry <3
omg butchji omg
gl znark
Gl Basti <3
gl razz
gg razz rambo selfkilling not doing truck etc :)
17 spree sick Xperia
chry really is one of the best players at the moment in my opinion.

Poszalales z netem Wiader :D Wp ;)
wspollokatorom sie zachcialo ogladac mecz na sopcascie...