Flame Guards vs BunkerGaming (6301 views)

07.09.07 19:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: 20on20Cup
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: (Requestee)
Maps: Oasis

Broadcasted by

Radio Commentary
us Radio iTG
By: Plr`Bozz
Listen to Plr`Bozz
Language: English

Total Slots: 500
Listener Peak: unknown

Enemy Territory TV
pl iSports.pl ETTV #1
By: westje (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 112


probably a lol game, off primetime so i added it
wut do they mean by 20 on 20?
keep stupid comments to yourself thx
The game is 20on20, look at the cup name.
i know retard thought it was only the cup name, didnt knew they were actually playin 20 fucker vs other 20 fuckers
thats why you're the retard
retards ppl who play 20 on 20
you simply dont know how to have fun fucker
haha jaymode ? :D
20on20 :DDDDD
Bunker Gaming pubs are better than Flame Guards pubs at least. So my money on |>B<| ow yeah !
OMFG 20vs20 :OOO GL :D
PLZ i want to see this match :D
this need slots:- D

can i play with u?
40 players @ one map is awesome..=)
gl both :D
lineups? :D
broadcast please........

20vs20 :o it will be really nice :D

its |>B<| not |<B>|
Hmmm.. lineups??? :D
plz slots <3
i bet they will play et-pub or jaymod xDDD
you lose the bet... its etpro
But it are clans specified on Jaymod though :p
są ludzie i taborety niestety tutaj wyróżniamy taborety
izy 4 flameguards
fpslag ftw
pubing ftw
their servers rock =)
would like to see that game
<3 ur 64 slots serv bunker thingies.
oh btw, is it with doublejump?
etpro doesnt support this feature
exciting cup with only 2 teams...
omg, let ferus play
he'll make a 10 ppl kill
panzer allowed? :< how many
maybe 20v20 is the future in ET -,-
haha, nice :D lol :D too bad it's on friday :<
gold with 20 persons... WOOOHOO :D .

1 pf and 1/3 allies team dead, 1 rifle and 1/3 allies team dead, 5 mines and 1/3 allies team dead.

@blade (uhm, its stupid) - yes, sure - 20v20 its our future.
20man airstrike ftw!
ugh that would be liik momomomomomoomomomomomomomomomonster kill
indeed mate indeed although i must say i think it will probably be fun to watch :D
go FG top clan , win deserved.
Bet 200 on FG
I'll raise you, 300 on bunker
nice having 40 guys on oasis. i bet double fullhold in both maps :o)

20 v 20 :D oMg
nice ffa
AHAHAHA, nice! cant wait to watch :D
need tosspot to shoutcast
more slots more slots more slots more slots more slots more slots more slots
more slots more slots more slots more slots more slots more slots more slots more slots more slots more slots more slots more slots more slots more slots more slots more slots more slots more slots more slots more slots more slots more slots more slots more slots more slots more slots more slots more slots more slots more slots more slots more slots more slots more slots more slots more slots more slots more slots more slots more slots more slots more slots more slots more slots more slots more slots more slots more slots
line ups ..
I don't think it would be too much of a necessity, this will be 40 total neverheards, and the lists of the 20 players would take too much room, and, how can they be sure that those exact players will come? :D
40 players on the server, I should come spec this for a while..
just a big pub... :|
20 guys camping around tank/ guns/ flag nice :D

And what about the gold. 20 guys in bank room? :o
1 support fire and 1 flamer
1 panzer tbh if they are with 20 in the Bankroom :D
not rly good but not a bad idea :D

anyways camping will fuck up everything lol
:o that will be funny
nice fucking the page
How can you do objective when there are at least 10 guys actively defending it? Try imagening the Tank @ grush. How the hell do Allies repair it? Once you killed 10-15 Axis, they prolly respawn and u can start all over. The only way you could win this is by some lucky airstrike that takes out 10 guys or something.
But will be fun to check it out though.
same as on a big public

grts Reevo;D
lineups? :D
bunker gaming pub > flame guards!
why isnt Prime Squadron community in this :C
betting on this game is hopeless luck:D
Why i need tto work :< i wanna watch! XD
i will have to take a look at this game :D
20 vs 20 :D new match of the week vote please!
gl |<B>|Djbo
20 o 20?? Mayb it's better to take big maps like helmsdeep and minas tirith -_-.

killing spree 20 w/o a death.

baserace > grush
line ups :D ?
That will be fun imo :p
"five panzers coming from side" :) GL&HF
izi bash for BunkerGaming xDDDD
20vs20 :D:D, GL both
hacker fest
huoh, i'll look forward to this match :)
I'm sooo gonna watch this :D
Post lineups please!
lolololooollll :ddd
more slots, we need toss or mashed to shoutcast :D
i need to see the game XD
pls more lowskill teams nd more 20on20's ... they have only etpub nd jaymod server :p will be a lowskilled match
we don't care it's funny to watch so fo
old FG memba here, so gogogo FG :D
more lowskill plz
what would you do if we hadnt added the match?

not watch anything?

i think that option is available to you also now
will there actually be an ettv for this?
I was joking :(
Server is full no ETTV can conect on teh server :<
We need a ETTVserver that actually broadcasts this match, not some ETTVservers that sign up but play replays tbh.
server is full, i can not connect with my ettv server. sry my friend
According to Splatterladder: 46 / 52+2 of the slots.
yes but the error "server is full" when i connect with my ettv, sry for my bad english
Perhaps they disabled ETTV slots cos they never suspected ETTV-servers to connect, is that possible? :p
I dont know but i think this is the problem
pff djeeses pls ettv go on omg!! this is stupid
server is full, i can not connect with my ettv server. sry my friend
sup with the shoutcaster ? I mean yeah.. i wasn't expecting to hear someone like TosspoT or Mashed but this is ridiculous :<
server is full, i can not connect with my ettv server. sry my friend
looks like organisation failed pretty nicely :p
is the server full? you can't connect?
yes server is full.
can u contact them and ask them to kick some specs? :P
omg... soo borin'
maybe the server is full and you can not connect with your ettv server - sry your friend 8D
guess i'm gonna cancel, technical problems
so is it canceled ?
fucking bunker nabs they have 5 spectators... kick this nabs
their matchserver isnt powerful enough to send the initial ettv snapshot when connecting

this takes a _lot_ of cpu off the matchserver
wtf is wrong with teh shoutcaster?
Dont listen please :>>> its a mess xDD
you are like so hyper and keep using fucks everywhere.
Well this match is fuck O_o
<3 love your style to shoutcast
omg dont cancel 2:0 for FG atm
how did you see it ?

but gl FG btw
oh ffs bet cancelled
pistjetz plät