teamoxid vs mkidA (4344 views)

de Bl4d3
fr An7ho
de stRay
md eujen
de gr0ss
be bltzz
se fuchs
pl Elviss
fi Statti
gb ScarZy
gb mav
08.04.12 21:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: stray (Generaladmin)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 25548
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: unknown


GL An7ho eujen stRay gr0ss & Elviss

sry about being inactive btw eujen but can't rly play wolfenstein these days :P
hf stray :DD
gl specula and fuchs :)
gl Andrzej & Specula ;)
np for oxid tbh
oh dear this mkida lineup... anyway gl "old" guys :P
GL Elvisie :D
hf old teamoxid
btw we have to remove it scarzy,fuchs and me arent avi on eastern^^
e: and elviss isnt avi :D
e2: it would be perfect if we can play this on thursday :)
hf elviss and statti nubs :-D
Hf Specula Fuchsawesomeaimer & Scarzy :)

gl An7hozaurus :p
np for specula & fuchs
will be hard against blade and antho :D
but thx bro
gl gr0ss, eujen & stRay
<3 Bl4d3 ... wo sind die Gegnaz !?!
ich hoffe Du roxxt, Bruder :)

schade, dass Du nicht mit stown und kresti dieses WE hier warst :/
... vtl schaffe ich es ja dieses Jahr in die Heimat ;)
stray izzi
btw dein ts server ist down :D
habs gemerkt, mal schaun was sich da machen lässt :D
neue ip:
nice team, nice guys, gl oxid
gl fab
gl m8s :)
gl fab
gl oxid hf specu
gonna be nice match not same LU !
GL An7ho, Bl4d3 & Elviss
gl oldoxid & specula :)
should be easy for oxid, however i wish you luck Tristan!
what a cunt!
soz, didnt think you'd be playin :P GL FLAV!
I guess he will :D
u gonna get raped son
gl mkida + gross, gonna be an exciting match
bist du heut avi`?
nee bin sofort weg, dienstag wahrscheinlich erst wieder da, gl digga
k viel spaß
aber wir spielen heut net dieses match :D
trotzdem danke
bet was canceled?