Northern-Darkness vs Lost Soldiers (7958 views)

de ScaTmaN_
lt revee
be eden
si verunA
no snuble
fr Snatix
de laNgo
be Buzzer
de caTchEr
nl Artifexx
gb Gnome
nl vANQ
08.04.12 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: #et.tourney » Matchlink
Hosting: #et.tourney
Manager: DanLanGo (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 12668
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 12


gl scatman,lango & monti
Gl catcher
gl both!
gl eden
merc avi /q `vATU
gl Buzzer!
gl both!
Hf Naomi :)

Need snuble t-ND :p

e: way better now :D izi Snuble's arty
hf guys :)
wollen wa das nich auf goldendunk spielen? :DD
I'll be watching you, JDM.
gl lowgo and catcher
gl scatman :)
hf vANQ
2 izi for gnome
gl scatman
gl scta and snuble
Succes jongen
merc avi scatty np
low wenn dann muss ein GOTT spielen sonst macht das keinen sinn D:
& gl ScatMan awesome shoutcaster on irc games :D
For the guys who wonder why we dont got a 6th. its eastern so mKs visit gf so he cant play :)
Such a faggot!
u mean easter ? :{D
I know that feel bro :D
gl eden
gl catcher :)
Buzzer? Wtf is that shit ! HF !
Oh u ! Mr.roux h4h44h

gj buzz <3
S'toi la ginger !
Mytho !

PS: Epitechien? :D
Tg sale plow ;D

Facequoi ? wtf is that shit ?
Real life... OH WAIT
Brb going to open my door ... Locked

Ohohoh :D fucking geek x) "Rijsel" je l'ai vu dans un reportage, OUSSAMAFAITRIRE
Tu m'etonnes

Sinon viens faire une war pour voir si t'as skillboost (de 15% a 9% d'acc :D )
Je ne ferais pas le troisième, me demander pas! :D
Add me on facebook for speak about it... OH WAIT ! (PS: Dont forget my wallhack ~~)
scatman wenn du verlierst gibts haue D: hab geld auf euch gesetzt
das wird nichts ^^
gl daniel
gl vanq snuble scatman etc !
ill be honest, im old now and my memory is going.. i can't remember some of the players in ET i used to know and speak to :(
well we didnt ever really get to know each other :D i guess i have flamed you a few times before until you helped me with some maths shit over mirc, remember u were drawing the solutions in paint or smt :D
ah yeah i think so! i helped lots with math though, but maybe yeah.. i don't take that flame shizzle seriously anyways! :P
i dont really get insulted by people from et either :D most of the community looks like hummel or are complete weirdos themselves :D
gl hf both
gl scatman
gl & hf ScaTmaN_
no it vjto no win
gl eden, c'est triste de te voir jouer avec du fr :).
2 merc a la derniere minutes, fail team
c'est sur qu'on prefere l'eclater que de jouer avec lui :) QQ
gl snatixXx & buzZzer :D
gnome lad get on ctrl ts lad
wp guys :)

as allways nice oppo :) too bad we could play as real team :-(
well you had your chances to win it ;]
not that good game by us neither :P

gg wp
ggs! deserved, nice oppo. Good luck for the rest!
[23:03:45] [Snuble|afk] if there is any skilled players (medic) looking for team before upcoming EC; please contact me.

Oui ?
correct sir! we want to know which players are avi in the big jungle of ET players:)
Lets see what happens ;)