eXecutors Slovenia vs Afghanistan (3813 views)

si m1tja
si Kwizlord
af B|_|NeD
af GirljZE
08.04.12 19:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Int. 2on2 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: GiiirljZE (Requestee)
Maps: Braundorf_b4
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Total Pot: € 4331
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 18


gg mitja & girlzje
gl girljze
Gl les talibans
gl to my fanboys <3

download link
luck :) its about gaming not about luck bro :)
sure :) what about your skillboost lagman ?
was a bit lame backraping gaming ;)
mad idiots, it's a fucking game
i'm neither mad nor idiot, and more i don't care about this game.
But that's just lame to play that way. If you got a prob just go out and get some friends, will be harder than showing off like you're doing on gamestv ;)
if you're not mad, nor an idiot then why are you flaming people on internet like an idiot

you're getting mad over a game and you tell people to get a life, bitch please.
i'm not flamming anybody like you're doing, you should know that people aren't as retarded as you are. Don't make your case a generality.

And i'm not mad, dunno where you got this info. You could come on ts and hear me chilling the fuck out :) That's just a stupid game with fucked up hitboxes which can make the time going faster when there's nothing else to do.
But for nnerds like you, i admit that there's nothingelse to do but flamming and attempting some trolls on gtv.

And i keep my words, get a life, which has nothing to do about being mad or not.
first of all, you're flaming again...

Second of all, you're the one playing this game all the time, so who should get a life?

and last, you suck ballz

chizzle out,

peace mofos
Nice imagination. Do you even know what does flame means or are you kidding me ?
Nevermind just keep in mind that people are not what you think they are ;) This may help you a bit in your "life"
Quotepeople aren't as retarded as you are

Quoteout and get some friends

Quotennerds like you

Quoteget a life

Quotei'm not flamming

that's not flamming, come back to reality and try to see the truth instead of licking asses !
Quote by girljzecome back to reality
Quote(2:12) GiiirljZE
we're not all living in your country ;) was 1:13 and i'm in holidays ...
mad ? lolmen , i loose vs low , normal :)
fais pas l'ancien, t'es low aussi.
ok le vieux fr que personne connais , je joue du med med+ :)
D'après ton match, ça c'est vu t'inquiète.
j'étais no sound , puis go stats ? clochard
Je dirais plutot que tu avais l'écran éteint et oui j'envie tes stats face a des adversaires (comment tu disais déjà? ah oui) low.
vien jouer toi qu'on rigole ? :) j'ai fais les mêmes stats face a stray hier , problem ?
Je ne demandais pas autant de quote mais bon continuons je vois que tu es généreux.
Tu veux une médailles :D
please regarde les stats OMG, en plus il jouait sans son T'IMAGINE QUAND MEME???
je sais pas d'où il sort lui mais c'est un sacré champion
ok le low :)
Quote4 eXecutors Slovenia - 2 Afghanistan

aller hop hop à la poubelle haha :D

did he just say that he plays on med med+ level?
yes. also saying that air is a total random :) Comming from him it's pretty funny
oui oui c'est un random. tout comme moi , tout comme toi.
si tu le dis mr. jeveuxmembrouilleravectoutlemonde :)
jm'embrouille qu'avec des gamins. mais depuis que t'es dans la team a provok ta crédibilité perd un coup
ce qui prouve ta stupidité. Tu as une mauvaise opinion de moi sans me connaitre car je joue dans une team d'un mec que t'aimes pas. Maintenant poses toi des questions sur qui est le gamin dans l'histoire..
hey, ça fait quoi de faker les dreams?
lolmen you spec me yersterday xD
tu joues du med/med+ et après tu te réveilles dans ton lit et tu comprends que tu rêvais?
my aim was tottaly fail today
mine 2 but who cares, money is money

You have € 77 on si *[eXe]
You won € 264.88

hahaha epic war :D
Thx for money exe :)
You have € 100 on *[eXe]
You won € 344
funny game :) wp exe, serious business :_D

Afg' B|_|NeD ,=- [9:16]: lagg for me too xD
Afg' B|_|NeD ,=- [9:13]: lagman war :D
Afg' B|_|NeD ,=- [8:14]: fail game :D
Afg' B|_|NeD ,=- [7:45]: gonna fail ?
Afg' B|_|NeD ,=- [5:45]: lagg :(
Afg' B|_|NeD ,=- [5:24]: fucking lag :(
Afg' B|_|NeD ,=- [4:35]: lol ..
Afg' B|_|NeD ,=- [3:19]: shit map
^H#exe.et m1tja [3:16]: XD
^H#exe.et m1tja [3:12]: u choosed it
Afg' B|_|NeD ,=- [2:50]: fucking not stable ping
Afg' B|_|NeD ,=- [Warmup]: you are unskilloroz
Afg' B|_|NeD ,=- [Warmup]: np
Afg' B|_|NeD ,=- [Warmup]: <3
Afg' B|_|NeD ,=- [9:00]: lagger ?
Afg' B|_|NeD ,=- [8:28]: xDDDDDDD
Afg' B|_|NeD ,=- [6:58]: get ping
Afg' B|_|NeD ,=- [6:57]: really
Afg' B|_|NeD ,=- [6:33]: look your move
Afg' B|_|NeD ,=- [6:32]: xD
Afg' B|_|NeD ,=- [4:17]: lol
Afg' B|_|NeD ,=- [3:37]: lol
Afg' B|_|NeD ,=- [3:35]: no die by nade
Afg' B|_|NeD ,=- [2:29]: lol
Afg' B|_|NeD ,=- [2:28]: 5 hs
Afg' B|_|NeD ,=- [2:05]: lol
Afg' B|_|NeD ,=- [Intermission]: xD
Afg' B|_|NeD ,=- [Intermission]: 3 hs
Afg' B|_|NeD ,=- [1:27]: wtf ?
Afg' B|_|NeD ,=- [1:25]: all hit xD
Afg' B|_|NeD ,=- [1:04]: ok sure
Afg' B|_|NeD ,=- [1:00]: skillboost
Afg' B|_|NeD ,=- [0:59]: more
Afg' B|_|NeD ,=- [0:59]: :D
Afg' B|_|NeD ,=- [Intermission]: brained par ubberbrain
Afg' B|_|NeD ,=- [Warmup]: yesterday we win this vs stray :=D
Afg' B|_|NeD ,=- [8:39]: fu girl !
Afg' B|_|NeD ,=- [0:59]: xD
Afg' B|_|NeD ,=- [0:35]: lol ...
Afg' B|_|NeD ,=- [0:32]: nice luck
Afg' B|_|NeD ,=- [0:27]: np low
Afg' B|_|NeD ,=- [0:24]: get life
Afg' B|_|NeD ,=- [0:22]: i have a family near me
Afg' B|_|NeD ,=- [0:20]: no sound
#exe.et KwizlorD [Intermission]: have to whien more :9
#exe.et KwizlorD [Intermission]: cya
Afg' B|_|NeD ,=- [Intermission]: whine vs low ?
Afg' B|_|NeD ,=- [Intermission]: ok bro xD
gj Kart

we all know buned is a pathetic fuck
Afg' B|_|NeD ,=- [0:22]: i have a family near me
Afg' B|_|NeD ,=- [0:20]: no sound

best whine ever
haha xD
i bet they went away anyway cause of him shouting at the screen
whine ? lol its a true story ..
dude, accept the fact that you are the best whiner in et (some instead of whine.et uses allready buned.et). You whine about everything, check comments at your matches. You whine in match and then u need to whine also outside, so you are pleased with all that whine which was not enough in-game.
God knows what ur m8 thinks about that, maybe you are making him nervous with all that crap and maybe also on ts or you just love to troll...
hahaha :D
:))))))) made my day. Wp exe mates
wp eXe, izi for u :)
wp slovenian mates! GirljZE !
omfg buned wtf?
XD Epic...Made my day also ;d
izi eXe !