to Make odds even vs Lost Soldiers (8256 views)

pl fanatic
pl voiler
pl ska
pl syriusZ
pl WuT
pl zMk
de laNgo
be Buzzer
de caTchEr
nl Artifexx
it vj7o
nl vANQ

EuroCup XXV - ET SW 6on6

First Round Qualifiers
15.04.12 21:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET EuroCup XXV » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: fanatic (Requestee)
Maps: Bremen_b3
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 169826
The bets are closed.

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Radio Commentary
de Shoutcast Server by w0nd3r #1
By: w0nd3r
Listen to w0nd3r
Language: German

Total Slots: 500
Listener Peak: 7

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 56


gl zmk! :)
gl ls
gl boys :**
shoutcast mal :* :P
sponsor mir n mic, dann kommen wir ins geschäft :D
oohh was, wonder macht shoutcast?wäre ja fast nochmal lohnenswert sich das reinzuziehen...:)
dann hat er wenigstens 1 viewer :)
1. heißt das listener
2. bist du der erste, der sich das ganze anhört du kleiner popel :-))
oha hab mich leicht unterschaetzt! hattest ja fast die ganze szene drauf^^

kann man sich das irgentwo runterladen? das muss ich mir unbedingt reinziehen!
hauta rein eheheh
Go on catcher lad
You have € 238 on de lost^
Possible win: € 747.32
succes jonge:)
gl ls... wird schwer ;)
ska nie zamulaj
gl gnome and vj7o :D
gl everyone apart from gnome
Why are you being like this darling
GL Fanatic,Hunter,zMk,ska
gl gnome!
vamos WuTard !!
gl vj7o :)
O_o WuT :D? GL!
GL hunter, syriusZ!
gl lost brothers
gl wut !
gl lango lad
gl WuT,syriusZ,zMk !
tmoe planning to rape Lost in 30min? because otherwise this match should be postponed :P
why not, it's possible ;P
well it also means that mkida have to get raped/rape PDEG because elviss is playing for mkida and for tmoe at 22.00:P
well, its also very possible. Anyway, gonna be interestin :)
25 minutes
ok brb 25 minutes.
gonna be interesting, gnome vs hunter :D
gl hunter
You have € 1824 on lost^
Possible win: € 16726.08
You have € 98 on lost^
Possible win: € 1159.34
You have € 10000 on de lost^
You lost
bb gold :'(
gl syriusz :)
Gl vj7o :D
gogogo vanq zmk
Lost @ EC! gogogo!
Gl lost soldiers!
Enfin les premiers pas de buzzer en EC !!!
et peutêtre les derniers :D
c'est bien parti pour ! :p
gl zMk, vj7o
gogo lost soldiers !
Vj7o dint la putten d mamm't, ho scommesso 97 non vinci t sparo...ah good luck
mokk a quann si strunz :D vaffammok a chedd sfoga ciol d mammt :DDDDD
Mamm't ciucc i cazz a manett....tant qua non capisc nisciun... sti ricchiun..Sparat'v mmok...
7v7 wtf?
Buzzer good Luck... and all team Lost... ;)
syriusZ jakie mycie w obronie :o
hihi :D
wp @ oc 8D