MYserious-gaming vs Vital Jacks (8903 views)

no Snuble
de ScaTmaN_
be eden
nl hybrAtek
de mKs
ch DabSter
fr emorej
fi lettu
sk filuS
se rat
ch gifty

EuroCup XXV - ET SW 6on6

Second Round Qualifiers - Seed 4/OC Premier
18.04.12 21:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET EuroCup XXV » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: ScaTmaN (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 44552
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 36



You have € 22 on eu vital
Possible win: € 161.04
gl scati & gifty
gl Snuble

gifty and DabSter ch
no jochencoffinfeder no win for gifty!
filus&numerek HF
omg vital sick :D
You have € 59 on MYS
Possible win: € 538.67

cmon be eden!
You have € 100 on de MYS
Possible win: € 138 :)
hf hybratek!

In u I trust :XD
You have € 20 on MYS
Possible win: € 150.6

You have € 20 on MYS
You won € 101
Gl Numer :D :)
Guys stop bet on us ...
well, I dont think many bet on you :)
You have € 45000 on de MYS
Possible win: € 54000
stop faking odds ! :D
I am not faking odds, this is how I earn money :)
why did you cancel it then? :/
pracc actually wasnt as horrible as expected :D
you better hold this :( You have € 1400 on vital
Possible win: € 3430
go DadSter gl a vous
gl momo,dab
GL eden bro ;D
GL eden :D
gl ScaTmaN
gl MYs :)
all in on gifty again
Tu paries vraiment n'importe comment!
Si j'ai trop de sous c pas bon EC.Buzzer
seems like I have to watch some gtv again :D
gl dabster & fab
gl DabSter,vERUNA & ScaTmaN_
gl mks, scat, filus and numeric
emo @ oc

gl gifty
hf all! rat gay!
gg MYS.

wp ScaTmaN :)

gg wp! welcome to EC My Serious Gaming!
scatti @ ec OMG :D
Super gespielt, Scatti :)
yeeeah :D gg wp guys
You have € 2000 on de MYS
Possible win: € 10100
wp :)
`hybratek at ec:D
heb al eerder van wat ET matches mogen genieten! :D
gotta be kidding me :P
lol :D
You have € 500 on eu vital
You lost

moi aussi je me sens nue
You have € 280 on vital
You lost
wp MYS
You have € 250 on de MYS
You won € 1262.5
gtfo my money :c
You have € 22 on eu vital
You lost

..... guys pls
You have € 1000 on de MYS
You won € 5050
No 45000? ;)
as I said, was worrying about my investment after more-less good pracc
nice one guys :)
thank you fanatic! :p
looks like it was a good decision by admins to give you a chance. at least you are happy about that result and I hope you gonna keep pracing to give your best in groups. gl! 8)

yeah, i feel we kinda showed that we deserved the spot now, as we managed a mapwin vs BF, and a win against Vital Jacks.

time will tell if we can do some nice results in the groupstage to.

We will do our best:)

edit: and hopefully the guys will stop giving me heartattackes from having 2 engis planting same dyna at same time.. and not doing what im shouting they should do on teamspeak:))) hehe
pls we did all right XD
absolutely;) and its good that there are room for improvement;)
ofc we will do ur best in EC, i hope we will rappe some teams

tbh filus and I started ET after most of the mys guys, just because we didn't play as much lately doesn't mean we are dinosaurs. We are far from "oldschoolers" (in an objectiv point of view).
oldschool is the only school:)
"There's no school like the old school and I'm the fucking headmaster"
I know, I am smoking hot :)
gg mys :)
wow nice
..... unbelievable
la belle purée :D
You have € 175 on MYS
You won € 883.75
: D
n1 jungs :D
i had a feeling this was going to happen
ofc cus mks was playing
Cant rly get it why :X
more or less expected
You have € 300 on MYS
You won € 1515 thx
lol darren