Frenchtards vs They call me (2942 views)

fr Rapk
fr Pupa
fr Fracziij
nl Isku
pl kRyt
pl susol
19.04.12 22:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: GUiiN0ME:-D (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
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Total Pot: € 719
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Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 5


izi les koup1 <3
Il son bon ? jles connait pas ?
on les a battu kryt et susol en 2o2 hier avec BuNeD
ils sont bizarre quand meme ^^
izi TCM
Nice <3
idz pan w chuj tego nie dalo sie przegrac -.-
Anything higher than medium minus aim they will complain about "carriers"

cause we want to play against med/-, not against 2 low+ and one fucking carrier
you are not even med as a team so pls

and you judge these "carriers" by aim only. it's a teamplay game

Accept your challenge in clan base, I set it to this weekend, once again we will prove that we don't need gnome nor olas.

e: I just looked at all of your match stats and since you are judging by aim, Pupa carries every map. so why are you complaining if i bring my best players to play vs you?
stalker, stop mad on me
And btw, I'm not even playing only for dmg, you can think what you want about me and pupa but he knows im better than him but yeah he isnot bad ;) you cunt :))))))
You are right we arent med ofc, but not low+ either, thats why we search around med-.
Mad "on" you? lol first of all I wasn't even mad when i made that post. if you want to know what i was feeling so much, i was tired. and I never said you played for damage but pupa carries you which is a fact. but seems like you are a bit upset considering you called me a cunt. :D
What the fuck are you talking about, I'm able to carry myself, not like you. We will see the next match :))))))
yea we will see, mister ego i carry ":D"

game is about winning not carrying
LOL kryt i susol ?

:/ Niestety 1 mix przed offi nie wystarczy.. szczegolnie jak sie nie gra tydzien teamem :< ale luz.. za tydz rewanz
kryt med nie dal rady oj co sie stalo ? Nice IsQu and Susolo:D
Lan w krakowie lecimy ? :D
Ja jade tylko teamu brak ;xChyba ze cos skrecimy :D Rifla jak cos :D Profesje zmienilem :D
poszukaj czlowiekow :)
nic sie nie stalo nie bylo ogaru bo malo ze soba gramy w teamie proste.