United Kingdom vs Poland (22623 views)

ClanBase NationsCup XV Grand Final
Poland have to win twice
22.04.12 22:30 CEST
Status: | Finished | ![]() Get Button LinksHTML: BBCode: |
Game: | ![]() |
Rating: |
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League: | CB ET NationsCup XV » Matchlink | |
Hosting: | ClanBase | |
Manager: | ![]() |
Maps: | Supply | |
Sw_goldrush_te | ||
On Demand | ![]() |
Broadcasted by
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![]() By: Jorge |
![]() (unknown language) |
Total Slots: 100
Listener Peak: unknown
Listener Peak: unknown
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![]() By: msh100 |
![]() Language: English |
Viewer Peak: unknown
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Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 560
Viewer Peak: 560

omg omg first comment

Powodzenia panowie!
GL :p
Powodzenia panowie!
GL :p
Powodzenia panowie!
gl fanatic :)
Zagrajcie tak jak z finlandia, tylko wezcie sie od razu do roboty, a nie gdy ludzie wychodza z serwera:P
gl hunter!
You have 30 on 
Possible win: 228.6
Wiara czyni cuda
GL panowie

Possible win: 228.6
Wiara czyni cuda
GL panowie
Obys mial racje ze wiara czyni cuda :)
You have 100 on pl POL
Possible win: 460
You have 100 on pl POL
Possible win: 460
pierdolsiz patafianie
Powodzenia Proland!
rozgromimy ich :D
You have 59 on POL
Possible win: 215.35
You have 59 on POL
Possible win: 215.35

shave your virgin mustache nerd
tonight u gypsi dine in hell
omg unforgiven omg
oh it's him haha, makes sense now =D
yeah! ;p
OMG OMG seventeenth comment
it's 16th :D
There is to be a great game, UK is tipped to win but Poland has surprised in recent matches
Let the best win ;D
Let the best win ;D
no chewz no win
gl darlings
I love poland kurwa mac! :D.
po raz drugi, moze tym razem sie uda :D GL Poland
miejmy taka nadzieje! GL POLAND!
GL Panowie ;) !!!!!!!!!!!
what a great nc final, never even heard of lesti..
et death
et death

haha funny pic xD
ati is so serious
ati is so serious
Look at this gangsta, got his chain and everything
must be KAMZ
pic is photoshopped hard bro :S
pic is photoshopped hard bro :S
better look at that parrot nose!
photoshop man :@
its not photoshoped its microsoft painted !
probably blindi, mind, slarto or one of those finnish fanboys from the kfc (kamz finnishfan club) :s
haha i did it xd
haha good job :P
your nose looks like u are fuckin penguin man.
i'd make an awesome troll penguin like this penguin that slaps the other penguin around back of the head

Still gets the chicks bra ;)
you know, each day there's a new polish incomming talent with twice everybody's damages.
And each month there(unfortunatly it's not the case)'s a tzac release with 50 polish banned.
That makes good ratio tho :D
And each month there(unfortunatly it's not the case)'s a tzac release with 50 polish banned.
That makes good ratio tho :D
ure just ego tard who likes to whine a lot :)
call me when you'll see me whining for this game :x
v'mental :) [2:40]: nice tank hold
v'mental :) [2:38]: thats all
v'mental :) [2:38]: xD
#CTRL.d WESLANN [8:02]: nice tankhold
#CTRL.d WESLANN [7:57]: :P
v'svwENnh.:< [7:53]: s
v'svwENnh.:< [7:51]: stfu nerd
v'svwENnh.:< [7:47]: stop flamming like a retard
v'svwENnh.:< [7:38]: get a decent way to play this game
v'mental :) [2:38]: thats all
v'mental :) [2:38]: xD
#CTRL.d WESLANN [8:02]: nice tankhold
#CTRL.d WESLANN [7:57]: :P
v'svwENnh.:< [7:53]: s
v'svwENnh.:< [7:51]: stfu nerd
v'svwENnh.:< [7:47]: stop flamming like a retard
v'svwENnh.:< [7:38]: get a decent way to play this game
ok you call this whine, u sure you can speak english ? or just acting like ?
There is no decent way to play ET, unless you can make a guide for us. that's whining.
i meant not a lame way, but i just don't like weslann, that's not because of the game, that's because of the retard himself ^^
that is whining lol
who are you ?
more like who are u?
never asked u to comment anything there ;) you're free to shut up :)
if u dont want others commenting, make it a private conversation. I know when im free to shut up, i dont need advice from a person who uses name girl while actually being a dude
worst comment ever seen on gtv, find another way to flame me, my nick is my nick, if you don't like it, i don't care :)
tu te ridiculises de plus en plus à chaque commentaire
cool ta vie ;) si t'en as d'autre comme cà tu les ajouteras a ton cv.
cette "insulte" était plus à chier que tous tes commentaires réunis
Je sais pas ou tu vois une insulte -.-
t une cause désespérée
Toi tu t'inventes une vie et tu sais même pas lire ... jte plain irl.
more like who are u?
you know lesti isn't a newtalent right? he was playing this game already before you were born
You dont know who is lesti? Die newschool fag :|
was a joke don't be mad -.-
Member Since 6th June 2011
i see, nothing changed then ;x
glad i dont play anymore
glad i dont play anymore
::DD eventhought that's funny to roll some spotted guys =p
ye same here kamzm8, don't know anyone there :S
never seen 50 polish players banned at once
Coming from a country which has never won anything in ET must hurt a lot. But could you, please, chill out, eat some local cheese and move your whining somewhere else.
omg a polish soul !
I heard the president is disappointed by the countries lack of achievements in ET

Wait what ? no Switzerland in NC final ? are u kidding me bro ?
oh damn, this could really affect my life by 0.0001%
or possibly not
or possibly not
pure maths
ppl still taking u serious here... do they never learn? :D
what do u mean?
why doesnt this thing notify me when somebody replys...
i have no idea mate. but there should be special feature to notify you when KAMZ replies.
big screen flashin on ur screen saying KAMZ HAS REPLIED TO U and causing seizures?
With a warning notice. The following comment may contain material that may be unsuitable for viewing and may make you cry. Read at your own will.
GL UK!!1!!!
Gl poland, lestii !!
gl dean, make me rich :-)
GL Frag`Stealer :* & dialer :*
Go Go Koop !
sqZz = LOW
fanatic med-
zMk = skillzordy
sqZz = LOW
fanatic med-
zMk = skillzordy
sqzz & R0SS gonna win this for UK !
kulig kurwa med w pasie
Watch that and see kOoP's dmg (UK vs. FIN match)
---> http://www.gamestv.org/event/31610-finland-vs-united-kingdom/statistics/
One man army but lesti is fresh blood in
team ;)
---> http://www.gamestv.org/event/31610-finland-vs-united-kingdom/statistics/
One man army but lesti is fresh blood in

lotto rifler.
Killing afk's in spawn is hard
Actually it was fairly easy
but thanks for the support xoxo
but thanks for the support xoxo
Don't be afk in NC match then .....
gl uk hf baggiez
gl Pl
maps ??
gl R0SS
and kevlar don't bet on the wrong team.
and kevlar don't bet on the wrong team.
no toss or owzo? :o
gl Baggiez
fins were too bored dominatin NC every year...
gl ross!
izi 4

GL :))
Please uk . U can't let polishs win . U must win for the honor of ET , and not only for u .
Come to sweden and i fucking write it in ur face if i have to..
I'm not french promyy-cropenis . And, if u win ET is rlly dead
Tylko sie nie przestraszcie bicepsów Baggieza
Tylko sie nie przestraszcie bicepsów Baggieza
gl uk
GL Poland :)
Zrobcie swoje panowie ;)
malboro teksty z Googli :)i
a jak ja mam med w pasie to ty masz hight :!
a jak ja mam med w pasie to ty masz hight :!
kulig a czemu ty nie zagrasz? a moze za duzy skill masz na TP ? ;D
ja za low jestem ;D ale kulig jak widac pro gracz
Odezwij sie na gg do mnie dawno nie gadalismy :D:D
TosspoT where are you?
casting cod4 tonight
Probably better !!
gl polaks
You have 500 on POL
Possible win: 11125
Possible win: 11125
You have 500 on POL
Possible win: 10910
Possible win: 10910
You have 901 on POL
Possible win: 18686.74
Possible win: 18686.74
sqZz... u know :-)
good luck :-) show me some shouto. :D
good luck :-) show me some shouto. :D
You have 500 on POL
Possible win: 12.4
Possible win: 12.4
Gl Proland <3 !
You have 100 on pl POL
Possible win: 1884
Possible win: 1884
easy for crazy polaks kurwa!
You have 2 on pl POL
Possible win: 34.04
all in
Possible win: 34.04
all in
owzo or tosspot shoutcasting?
hope tosspot + stream...
ohurcool is
Go Go Go ! :X
INB4 270 viewers max ET is dead
owzo will be shoutcasting! prolly streaming with someone too ^^
gl uk
i po co taki spam ? omg
damned wtf is this Sabaton ? fake Nightwish mix with Power rangers movements :)
gogogog.. wiesiu! ;P
wiesiu? :{D
wiesiu's spirit is always wish Polish fans ;)
gl PL, hf UK
UK ftw though - my 2 cents.
UK ftw though - my 2 cents.
You have 10000 on UK
Possible win: 16100 GL uk
Possible win: 16100 GL uk
gl polakz!
livestream ?
Viewer Peak: 537
Not bad tbh
Not bad tbh
Zapraszam na shoutcast ip: /ts3
is owzo shoutcasting or what??
owzo shoutcast + stream! http://www.own3d.tv/live/275753/Enemy_Territory_Nations_Cup_Final
e: not working
e: not working
Nice Livestream -.-
doesnt work indeed, only see black
it works for me & 67 others =d
but for us no...wtf
tried explorer, ffox, chrome, tried running as admin and still not working :(
Go spec on the server?:p
me too ;/
Andy Suck ETTV!!!
wtf that stream !? ;x
stream isnt working!
too easy for UK :P
tbh the worst and boring final i have ever seen :(
grats uk tho
grats uk tho
http://www.gamestv.org/event/18705-finland-vs-estonia/ this was worst
Does that mean you're finally going to fuck off from CF and gtv?
bit harsh on flr
I do!
oh kamz, such a sad character.
haha trolled hard, funnier thing is that i didn't even delete my comment
unfortunately not :(
why he flame u like that?
i have no idea, i dont even know him oO
what an idiot
at least its somewhat entertaining ;-)
Was directed as the chelsea boy, but his comment got deleted. >_>
oh i see :D
no idea what u talkin bout.. maybe u flaming flr and now regretting it?
UK too strong
brb shining gamescom brink medal
I hope u got your money already
ofc man, brink serious pro gaming business. not like ET where they give u mousepads with cumstains on them :$$
You've waited long enough ;p and true.

god... you're so fucking ugly
mister Nose rolling with his fat friends, fucking glasses, drinking lemonade
mister Nose rolling with his fat friends, fucking glasses, drinking lemonade
I'm sorry, I can't hear u there in the back row, you will have to speak up mate.

gratz with your pethatic e-money, earned the three double of that money a month ago with stocks trading..
fucking your wife with your nose by the way, in my opinion it seems bigger than your mouth, which is big already, and your small indiana penisnat0r
fucking your wife with your nose by the way, in my opinion it seems bigger than your mouth, which is big already, and your small indiana penisnat0r
u mad bruv?
feels good being rich from gaming
feels good being rich from gaming
fucking your wife with your nose
OMYGAD fucking kid !!!!!!!!
OMYGAD fucking kid !!!!!!!!
haterz gonna hate :D??
he might have a big nose and a wallet to match maybe :D ??
he might have a big nose and a wallet to match maybe :D ??
true that bro, i'm rich as fuck.
Kamz is the one left buttom?
he's white mate
And he still not got the money yet
you: played et for 10 years, won loads of meaningless cups, money = £0
me: played brink for 1 month, money = £1000
me: played brink for 1 month, money = £1000
Uk too strong, good game Poland <3
gg hunter :<
probably one of the most boring nc finals i have ever seen.
kurwo i dont care
jebany kurwo why u dont play too low? :S
thought so :p
but i will watch their games so i can improve!
You have 1898 on gb UK
You won 2922.92
You won 2922.92
UK wp .. expected a bit more of PL tbh but, a good attempt.
so toooo epic!
shit happened.poland cant do a shit.still 2nd place more far then i expected.
et is dead, deal with it
so why are u here?
to let u know that et is dead? duh
a gdzie opor? :XD
Congratz UK
Grats to the UK who played so well in this Cup <3 Sqzz
Congrats UK...
Well played Baggiez
UK vs a pile of shit
how dare you. fanatic hunter and lesti are some of the finest players in the game.
and who are u ?
and who are you?
niestety to bylo niemozliwe :D
kung fu pande trzeba bylo brac :)
niestety to bylo niemozliwe :D
kung fu pande trzeba bylo brac :)
qrwa przegralem tyle kasy ;/ hehe
co tu duzo pisac

gg deserved!
Lesti ? :D wtf
Wygrali Ukowie bo to jedyny prawdziwy high team w tym NC. Pozdrawiam.
Wygrali Ukowie bo to jedyny prawdziwy high team w tym NC. Pozdrawiam.
kurwa ty naprawde jestes taki glupi ? czy tylko udajesz ?
oho podrazniony. wyluzuj koniu
jestem wyluzowany konino :DDD
gg wp
Congratulations UK ;D