TEAM WOONYY vs w dupe jebani fani czekolady (5402 views)

fi Hukkan
fi Antzi
fi Pallo
fi Juissi
fi Jaguar
fi Jalmari
fi woony
pl czitra
pl kl4ptr4p
pl merkaba
pl muzg maupy
pl odspawator
pl stulejarczyk

5th League

Group D
29.04.12 20:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 OpenCup Spring 2012 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: KOKIA (Requestee)
Maps: Bremen_b3
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 3467
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 11


hohoho Klaptrap <333 GL kl4p and all wDJFC. ;*
why no 3stars :D
GL ph w dupen jebanen fanen czekoladen!
wnyet lineup: Hukkan, Antzi, Pallo, Juissi, Jaguar, Jalmari and woony
+kossje -woony
U want to play 7 on 6 : D?
that was our secret plan :o
what happened to follow :C
thought you played with them :o
gl plw dupe jebani fani czekolady
Co to za nonamy. Nazwa jak pasztet podlaski czy krupniok warszawski. Co to ma znaczyc glizdy morskie wezowidla.
gl tr merhaba
gl juissi :D
mistä näitä suomipelureita sikiää? :D
gl team woony
Fin VS Pl
gl Marys <3
odspawator zjebator
You have € 41 on posraniu
You lost

Dzieki kurwa gajs
You have € 500 on pl posraniu
You lost

ja pierdole :>>>>
I was the best!!! lol :DD drunk as shit :DDDDDD:::::
antsi multiclasseri :D hoiti kaikki classit
Thx for money. izi