xFx.eSports vs The woodducks (5650 views)

au MiDAS
au Pedro
au Meadow
au Stompy
ca bN
nl SQuid
au Chevron
au shaggy
au riCo
au angelus
au dongo
au im_constructing
03.05.12 14:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Miscellaneous
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: biggz (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
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Total Pot: € 16279
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 30


bn out, rito in = insta win
Can't believe new school talent au volta didn't get 6th spot on team xFx. So unlucky man.

( o)< really suck but it will be a fun war.
it was my life long dream :<
diz anim nigga plays laik 24/7 hahaha unemployed as fuck.
nd u type laik ur from america brah naw meen??

et career complete
matias played for xfx once? twice? zzzzzzzzzz
Im sure he will camp wooducks in spawn with 400 ping massive advantage brah
gl ducks!
rofl, xfx worse than the pommy cricket team with all the imports :D
And the reign of the ducks starts all over again :/
It is only for one game p:
xFx are going to camp those noobs in spawn easily
gl Chevron
anim everywhere :/ gl wd
rofl ducks praccing hahahahahahaha
funny considering how much xfx have practiced over the years...

besides they havent played together properly for probably over 2 years.

but you can remain scared if you like :)
whats with all the hate?

no ones scared lol infact im pumped, might even go on their vent while playing for a laugh!

i hope all u fanboi's aren't expecting some amazingly organised high quality match? ill let u down now, it will be fucked up at best! :D
im expectin a w0w from u meadw0w
11/10 meadow
nothing less m8 gotta piss excellence all over angelus! :D
x no homo x
gl hf xFx and ( o)<
gg should do it again sometime!
get iceman back