tryout vs Wolfenstein4life (4099 views)

pl Arturinho
no Sinnsyk
pl Tokar
pl Zgred
pl mAre
pl SprAjt
nl Anthony
nl crAzy
nl Foxis
de Feast
de WhiteSide
de ZeYos

Fifth League
Group A
29.04.12 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 OpenCup Spring 2012 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Arturinho91 (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te

Total Pot: € 3095
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 39


sprajt :D

gl misiu <3
a ja Ty mendo jedna?
Ty tez gl dziwko :{D
gl Tokar
GL Insane :D [ no i masz ] , Zgred Artr HF TokAr:!
gl hf
WhiteSide join #fURIA and pmme
tryyyy :)
sinsyk mare omg omg omg :D gl artur;]
kim ty w ogole jestes czlowieku?
tym kto cie uczyl grac
gl w4life
I tak przegracie?:D:D:D:D:D (JOKE) :P
omg mare omg! :XD
gl tokar & sprajt;)
Gl dutchies
tryout low+ max
sprajt low- gl
Gl tryout...
gl w4life
co to wgl za tardy?
jakies tokary , sprajty xD
gl nooby
Foxis rifle? Ownage
uh no, didn't play rifle/et for 2 months..
busy with exams
not even sure if ive got to play rifle, didnt hear anything about my team yet
succes Foxis!
gl Try
gl Tokar! :)
Gl TryOut!
good luck w4life!
You have € 50 on pl try
Possible win: € 60.5

SprAjT jak nie wygrasz to oddajesz na lanie w zlotowkach xD
1-0 ? lol
we got only 2 players
also not in the mood to play
Sprajt nakurwil! <3
taa :D bilem ich po 6 :D
widzisz SprAjT Twoje zlotowki sa jednak bezpieczne dziekuj przeciwnemu klanowi nupie :D