Queens vs Lost Soldiers (11071 views)

de butchji
gb razz
be chry
pl wiaderko
nl xPERiA
gb R0SS
de laNgo
be Buzzer
de caTchEr
nl Artifexx
it vj7o
nl vANQ

EuroCup XXV - ET SW 6on6

Group A - First Matchweek
02.05.12 21:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET EuroCup XXV » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: fanatic (Highadmin)
Maps: Bremen_b3
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 275474
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 89


seems waaaaaaaaay to easy for buzzer
we cant play before wednesday 2nd may -> 2nd may at 21.30cet would be nice
Have fun razz & xperia mate :P

hein buzzer ;D
!Go Lost Soldiers Go!
manchester derby or ET

i heard KAMZ is a gay parrot
hope not. but seems like it will be the case ;(

anyway, as long as chelsea win europe, i am happy as larry !! or barry !!
derby lOL
Good. Maybe you not as nerd as I thought :o !
true that, of course manchsester derby, hope city win.
indeed :o
Gl Wiadro ;) , xPERiA, freez & vj7o
so it's going to be played or one of teams is using wildcard?
i guess we will use a wildcard. lango gonna pm u
told you yesterday @ cb ec chan that we will use wildcard and would like to play it on wednesday or sunday ;)
gl lango headset sponsor
was hat das zu bedeuten???
:)))))))) = :))))))))
ach, das is noch so ein jammerlappen x) <3

Good luck buben
np 4 Queens
You have € 65 on lost^
Possible win: € 6500

Let's Rock!
gl wiaderko !
You have € 1 on lost^
Possible win: € 100
gl vj7o!!! sarà dura questa... :D
forse non giochiamo oggi :)
You have € 167 on de lost^
Possible win: € 16700

Lost will deliver!
easy for vjto!
gl buzzerito
go Lost
You have € 30 on lost^
Possible win: € 3000
all in on lost
catcher will deliver!
en revoir Buzzer !
You have € 312 on de lost^
Possible win: € 31200

For everyone who is planning the evening with ettv already, this match won't be played today. Thanks. Bye.
You have € 10 on lost^
Possible win: € 1000

np for lost!

gl lango & monti!
You have € 15 on de lost^
Possible win: € 1500
Come on Salaneuvos, fuck the odds up, it's time! :D
fi Salaneuvos Tuesday, 1st May 2012 21:04
You have € 322839 on de Anexis
You lost
I will take his place !!

You have € 10000 on de lost^
Possible win: € 225200
Make me rich!
You have € 3 on lost^
Possible win: € 300

gl lost, Go catcher ! :)
Hmm..hard to tell..I shall not gamble on this one.
hi honey <3
Oh sup3r, your faith in us is such a great relief on this evening.
i cannot into walonie
GL vj7o!!!! siamo con voi!!!!
GL queens :
Expected :)

You have € 2123 on Queens
Possible win: € 2207.92
Tu m'en dira tant ! <3
On a pas été horrible non plus hein! :)
You have € 9000 on Queens
You won € 9360

hard money
james bond tactic, lowest dmg :(

for real?
oh pas loin !