miNd's Pro Gamers club vs TAG (11900 views)

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Battle For Berlin II
Lower Bracket Round 4
03.05.12 22:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Battle For Berlin II » Matchlink
Hosting: Official GTV Coverage
Manager: SimonKinsler (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Radar
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 69734
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 149


i think mind take this win ;)
sqzz playing for mpg now in BfB oh ok
also for anexis
sqzz played with mpg in their last match (ec game). simon used autofill to add lineups so that's why he's in mpg's roster. he still plays with anexis
hf sqzz & Flopje ;)
go go go sqzz!
TAG could use some snoop dog

learn to spell man, what school u go to??
there is no snoop without dogg, dog
Sqzz in both lineups : Anexis and MPG?!?!
gl sqzz mate, always knew u were too good for anexis
can anyone tell me if this is only a 2 star match, what the hell is then a 3 star match??

actually this gonna be a 2 star match cause nearly everyone is @anexis vs queens :_D
ja aber anexis vs queens hat auch nur 2 sterne xD
its not only about the players, but also the amount of views/comments etc in this game :P.
who is best gb aimer since 2006?:)
where the fuck is subbbi?????????????????????????
gl flop & meez
gl NgN!!
ty kase, I need it xD
I've quit ET so hopefully TAG will find a replacement for me and play this game, if they do gl TAG <3
IT'S NOT TRUE!!!!!!!!
r u serious?
can't be true :(
haha , scared of Arnold? :D
i miss you dave mate :*(
Greem???? cu@fewWEEKS
i wonder myself, why people make public posting that they leave ET. The Guys, that need to know, allready do. THE REST DOESNT CARE
i care and that's all that matters
Cant quit life Dave :U
Dave :(
Seems like an odd time to quit?!

Must be something serious that made you do it. Good luck to you whatever it is.
hf Flopje x)
sup mate how's life
ek is goed (i'm fine) hoe gaan dit? (how are you?) my friend taught me Afrikaans language! nice, huh?

not good, like 10 hour sleep whole week cos of study, not even going out, just stuck in room.. i feel like meez or razz or somethin
oh thats not good. i slept 1 hour last night -.-

i feel like xperia LOL!
griim lan dodger
I can´t stream this one match, i´m sorry. irl problems
mala gamiesai :)
any stream ?
ggs wp mPG
Nice game. TAG messed radar west deff badly
You have € 500 on mPG
You won € 700
You have € 750 on eu mPG
You won € 1050
You have € 492 on eu mPG
You won € 688.8
thx 4 money guyz :)
You have € 532 on mPG
You won € 744.8