ubik vs Upright (3055 views)

au MiDAS
au swerve
au biggz-
au Mayonegg
au Remedy
nz iNept
au Dozer.
au angelus
au dongo
au riCo
CyberGamer.com.au CGo Match
29.04.12 13:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Miscellaneous » Matchlink
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: biggz (Requestee)
Maps: Missile_b3
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 3862
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 21


Gl Brandon
gl hf both, too bad you aren't casting biggz :(
gl acid and midas
team chiver got this
You have € 250 on ^up
You won € 3447.5
Shittttt ik was te laat met betten
You have € 250 on au ubik
You lost

midas low
We were looking ok until dongo swapped in for boombza :{
aah! Now I see the switch =)... yeah it was Ange before dongo
You have € 2000 on ubik
You lost

did upright swap the whole team? :D
tough bN was going to play , i want my money back !
he was in the lu before they started , so why im a idiot
you are just stupid asshole who always flaming on ettv and needs to get life
its not me , its faker ...
sure it is. moron.
U are a fking moron thinking its me , get life cu
i know it is you :-)

i did IP check and it matched your IP
its not me , ur so stupid .

ChizzLe Friday, 27th April 2012 20:19
i heard kamz is a gay parrot

razz Friday, 27th April 2012 18:25
Kamz is just a dick
IP match, you can deny all you want but your IP is the same.
from what is my IP the same ?
IP of person flaming on ETTV is same as yours. It was checked with GamesTV admin so deny all you want :-)
haha then show me the proof's cus i didnt do anything ...
I have seen it, that's all that matters. I am not in a position to show you evidence as this would be against the GamesTV terms and conditions.
stop lieing PROOF it !
you are just moron flaming people for nothing and then denying it.

so sad :)
dude its not me for the 100th time , proof it its me ! u cant cus its not me sad guy.

then also explain me there are somethimes 3 harmen's or more , u think i rename and insult with those 3 or more name's ? lol
grow up and stop flaming
grow up and stop lie'ing . PROOF it sad kid
I heard kamz is a gay parrot.
razz Friday, 27th April 2012 20:13
Just simply because he has no real life or mates its the only reason i can think off boredom thinks hes "cool" on inet when actually hes a donkey
e. do you ever notice hes always on gtv everyday and comments back within 30 mins everytime
Leave the poor kid alone kamz :<
You have € 20 on ^up
You won € 275.8

You have € 2000 on bacardi
Possible win: € 2600

Go play XD