Vicious and Evil vs sFx muse (3953 views)

nl BuLL
nl Azz0r
nl teKoa
nl M1lk
de sNoOp
ch gifty
fr class
fr douille
fr freek
fr pheex
be Xenium
fr Zorn
22.09.07 10:15 CEST
Awards awarded to for
Lady Macbeth |K| teKoa #vae 60 kills
Killing Spree |K| M1lk #vae 7 frags without being killed
Accountant |K| teKoa #vae 133% kills/killed ratio
He's dead, Jim! |K| sNoOp #vae 30 gibs
...and stay dead! |K| sNoOp #vae 57% gibs/kill
Lead Poisoning |K| sNoOp #vae 49 SMG kills
Spammity spam spam! |K| G1ftY #vae 23 SPAM kills
Fragstealer |K| M1lk #vae 52 damage per frag
Die! Damn you, Die! muse'class 276 damage per frag
What objective? |K| teKoa #vae 362 XP
Red Shirt |K| G1ftY #vae 67 deaths
Are these pliers sharp? muse'Zorn 11 deaths without fragging
Med Pack Whore muse'freekish 184 damage per death
Eyes Wide Shut |K| BuLL #vae 4 team kills
Gingerbread man | 19 /kills
Player Summary for the entire Match
[-] (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
|K| BuLL #vae921454953100411417134823540/00/136/3210/9856646
|K| M1lk #vae9135525730181034175700/04/542/387/7203176
|K| G1ftY #vae781835267180317728658524840/118/611/3923/41408749
|K| sNoOp #vae873145359302412946881237350/04/449/2816/817913373
|K| teKoa #vae133362604514021086376279980/014/448/260/514414056
Player Summary for sw_goldrush_te
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
|K| BuLL #vae12810327218006346620382890/00/017/133/3DK///KDKKDK/KDKKKDKKKDDDKDKK/KDDKKXKDKDDKKK/KKKKD
|K| G1ftY #vae5282132550310238633302960/18/31/1316/1/KDKKK/KKK/KK/KDT//KDDK/KTTKDDKKDDDKDKKKKDKD//DD/DDDKKD
|K| sNoOp #vae100123282817128507240861620/01/221/148/4DKDKD/KKDDKDKSKDK/KDKDXTDDKKDKK/K/K/KDDKK/KKDDKKK/KDDK/KKDT
|K| teKoa #vae2062383316601448543364450/011/123/100/1/KKKKDKD/DKKKDKKKKDKKTDKKKK/KKKKDKKKKDDDDKKDKKKKK/

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
|K| BuLL #vae1000101000020000/00/110/60/1DDDD/DKKDKKKDKDKK/KK
|K| M1lk #vae90091000000000/01/18/90/0DKDDKKKKKKKDDKDDDDD
|K| G1ftY #vae1105622201000236349571880/07/22/122/0DDKXDDKKDKDKDDKDKDK//KDKDDDKD
|K| sNoOp #vae1205612108120193115133290/00/17/57/3KKDDDKKKDDDSTKDKTDKKKKKD
|K| teKoa #vae10009900000000/02/17/70/1DDDKKDKDKKKDKDKDDK
Player Summary for radar
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
|K| BuLL #vae304241320237051444650/00/02/64/3/TDKDDK/DTDDD/DDKDK
|K| M1lk #vae413551230021034175700/00/05/90/2KDKKD/DD/KXDDDDDKD
|K| G1ftY #vae804581030021266156500/01/14/63/2KDXDDKDKDK/DKD/DKKK
|K| sNoOp #vae2608813510011857137400/00/112/31/0KDKD/KKKKDDKKKKKKK
|K| teKoa #vae5753814300315952015180/01/17/70/2DKD/KK/KDKDKDDDDDD/KDK

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
|K| BuLL #vae8808900200000/00/07/73/2TDDDDDKKDKDTKKXDKKK
|K| M1lk #vae142010700020000/02/08/50/0KKK/DKDKD/KDKKKDK
|K| G1ftY #vae75091200030000/02/04/82/1DKDKKK//DKD/DDDDKKKKD
|K| sNoOp #vae047016400360811502440/03/09/60/1XKDKK/KKDKK/KKDDK/KDKD
|K| teKoa #vae1667110650132188900350/00/111/20/1D/K/DK/KKDKKKKKXTK

» View plaintext endround stats
Player Chats
muse'xenium [Warmup]: fucking screen
muse'douille [Warmup]: FINALLy
muse'douille [Warmup]: §!!§!§!
|K| M1lk #vae [Warmup]: we can start ?
|K| BuLL #vae [Countdown]: hf
muse'freekish [Countdown]: hf
muse'class [Countdown]: hf
|K| G1ftY #vae [Countdown]: never wish ur enemy gl+
muse'douille [Countdown]: hf raping us
[14:11]: hfd connected
[13:36]: Woody Woodpecker disconnected
[2:50]: The Tank has been repaired!
[2:47]: Allied team has stolen the Tank!
muse'freekish [2:46]: :-]
| [2:44]: <8)
[2:39]: Match is PAUSED! (Axis)
[2:39]: |K| M1lk #vae disconnected
[2:39]: Match resuming in 105 seconds!
|K| BuLL #vae [2:39]: -scores
|K| BuLL #vae [2:39]: --
|K| BuLL #vae [2:39]: wtf
[2:39]: Match resuming in 90 seconds!
|K| BuLL #vae [2:39]: nice xp tekoa
|K| BuLL #vae [2:39]: really
[2:39]: CDC connected
|K| BuLL #vae [2:39]: impressive
muse'Bumeu [2:39]: lol
|K| sNoOp #vae [2:39]: RLY
[2:39]: Match resuming in 75 seconds!
[2:39]: Match resuming in 10 seconds!
[2:39]: Match resuming in 9 seconds!
[2:39]: Match resuming in 8 seconds!
[2:39]: Match resuming in 7 seconds!
[2:39]: Match resuming in 6 seconds!
[2:39]: Match resuming in 5 seconds!
[2:39]: Match resuming in 4 seconds!
[2:39]: Match resuming in 3 seconds!
[2:39]: Match resuming in 2 seconds!
[2:39]: Match resuming in 1 seconds!
[2:39]: FIGHT!
[2:22]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[2:18]: Truck Barrier #1 has been constructed.
[2:07]: The Tank has been damaged!
[1:53]: The Tank has been repaired!
|K| G1ftY #vae [1:40]: ;D
[1:35]: The Tank has been damaged!
[1:32]: The Tank has been repaired!
[0:55]: The Tank has been damaged!
|K| G1ftY #vae [0:29]: gg
muse'Bumeu [0:12]: gg
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 15:00
muse'freekish [Warmup]: i stabbed gifty !
|K| G1ftY #vae [Warmup]: :D
|K| G1ftY #vae [Warmup]: fu
muse'xenium [Warmup]: demo ?
muse'Zorn [Warmup]: i ...
|K| G1ftY #vae [Warmup]: still like ur english+ ;)
|K| BuLL #vae [Warmup]: hf fiockers
|K| BuLL #vae [Warmup]: focker
muse'Zorn [Warmup]: did nothing :(
|K| BuLL #vae [Warmup]: s
|K| sNoOp #vae [Warmup]: yo rup
[14:31]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[13:32]: The Tank has been repaired!
[13:30]: Allied team has stolen the Tank!
[12:46]: The Tank has been damaged!
[12:40]: The Tank has been repaired!
[11:57]: Allied team has destroyed the Bank Doors!
[10:53]: The Tank has been damaged!
[10:43]: Allied team is escaping with the Gold Crate!
[8:41]: Allied team escaped with the Gold Crate!
[Intermission]: >>> Objective reached at 6:19 (original: 15:00)
muse'douille [Intermission]: gg
|K| G1ftY #vae [Warmup]: we have to balance out the delay!
|K| M1lk #vae [Warmup]: azzor faggot
| [Warmup]: (K)
| [Warmup]: <8)
|K| BuLL #vae [Warmup]: thats what i felt last night
|K| BuLL #vae [Warmup]: u got a small one azzoer
|K| G1ftY #vae [Warmup]: g0g0
|K| G1ftY #vae [Warmup]: rup
|K| BuLL #vae [Warmup]: it didnt even hurt
|K| BuLL #vae [Warmup]: it was just bleeding
[10:48]: Allies capture the Forward Bunker!
[10:45]: Allies have breached the Side Entrance!
[10:44]: Axis reclaim the Forward Bunker!
[10:40]: Allies capture the Forward Bunker!
[10:37]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[9:29]: Allies have breached the Main Entrance and secured the Forward Bunker!
[9:06]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
[9:04]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[7:41]: Allies have secured the East Radar Parts!
muse'freekish [5:42]: gg
muse'xenium [5:39]: gg
[5:38]: Allies have secured the West Radar Parts!
muse'douille [5:38]: :::::://////
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 6:22
[4:49]: Allies have breached the Side Entrance!
[4:41]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[3:55]: Allies capture the Forward Bunker!
[3:21]: Allies have secured the East Radar Parts!
[3:12]: Allies have breached the Main Entrance and secured the Forward Bunker!
muse'douille [1:25]: take my pack
muse'douille [1:24]: !!!
muse'douille [0:16]: omg
muse'Zorn [0:12]: gg
muse'Zorn [0:11]: =)
|K| M1lk #vae [0:08]: 8(
[0:01]: |K| G1ftY #vae disconnected
| [Intermission]: gg
[Intermission]: >>> Objective NOT reached in time (6:22)
muse'freekish [Intermission]: we said GL :(
muse'douille [Intermission]: almost :(
|K| sNoOp #vae [Intermission]: gg
[Intermission]: muse'Bumeu disconnected
[Intermission]: muse'douille disconnected
|K| M1lk #vae [Intermission]: wp
[Intermission]: |K| M1lk #vae disconnected
[Intermission]: |K| Azz0r #vae disconnected
[Intermission]: |K| BuLL #vae disconnected
[Intermission]: |K| sNoOp #vae disconnected

These stats are experimental and while we usually get very accurate numbers we can't guarantee they are 100% spot on. You can however view the endroundstats: Those are the endroundstats 1:1 how they were spammed on the server console, they are guaranteed to be correct (unless they're off, which sometimes happens too :p).
Some examples that will definitely break stats:

  • Server crash / restart
  • Players reconnecting with new ids
  • Too many random renames between rounds

Credits to the author of StatWhore of which we borrowed the awards and the general layout of the stats.
Thanks to Hannes who made the software that extracts all the stats from tv demos available to us.