Wolf Crazy Killer vs re+play (2565 views)

fr kartez
fr Aniki
fr An7ho
fi Swanidius
fi vokki
fi Webe
03.05.12 19:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 OpenCup Spring 2012 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: vokki (Requestee)
Maps: Et_ufo_final

Total Pot: € 26261
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 14


what the fuck is this

Also, Webe please change your nick name on Clanbase or use your CB nick in game. (cb nick: Charlestown Chf) Also Webe is not on APL list. Though he was added to the clan few weeks ago so you MUST add him to APL manually. Yellow card.

hoida homma vokki
Gl Fra
what is this shit???????
This is 3v3 OC
are you kiddnig??I kown but my friend and me aren't aware..........Cb is so pro,i like that!!
no im not kidding.
If you join cups I prefer to check the challenges atleast once a week................ I recomment even more often.
yes but im not the war arranger....
gay maps for 3o3 but who am i to say such a thing
ur no1 to say that if u think grush is shit map for 3on3
i do think grush is a shit map for a 3o3 lol. its a 6o6 map not 3o3 but thats just my opinion so dont cry
no player no paly!!!!Thx cb
0-0 :D
aniki ils vont bientot inventer le lundi à 15 on sait jamais xD
ouais,c'est possible,on ne sait jamais avec ces admins....putin il y en a qui travaille :pp
tu as la touche repply sur ta droite xDD
je crois que CB a aussi forcé le match entre randomz et So nicht XDD
c'est fort possible :p
lol lamer