inteRaction vs miNd's Pro Gamers club (7573 views)

EuroCup XXV - ET SW 6on6
Group C - Second Matchweek
13.05.12 22:00 CEST
Status: | Cancelled | ![]() Get Button LinksHTML: BBCode: |
Game: | ![]() |
Rating: |
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League: | CB ET EuroCup XXV » Matchlink | |
Hosting: | ClanBase | |
Manager: | ![]() |
Maps: | Missile_b3 | |
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Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 15
Viewer Peak: 15

Will bring us the loss like always:D
stop flaming yourself :-)
Testi proved me last night that he care ONLY about the 3 man frag! and IF he ever win its mostly lotto !!! true story, or if someone tries to carry him (EVEN THO peeter is easier to carry than testi) Also a true story
:D dat fuchs
I don't want to flame him know :/ i dont even know how we could lose against them.. n/c
anyway will be my first lan, I wont care that much about results D:
I don't want to flame him know :/ i dont even know how we could lose against them.. n/c
anyway will be my first lan, I wont care that much about results D:
omg flash omg
gl perfo and mental :)
why the hell the date changed again >_>
ask denton >_>

perfo deliver
You have 50 on eu zeroE
Possible win: 3262
let's be crazy !
Possible win: 3262
let's be crazy !
no tak 7e vyhodim z okna no... prekvapte me :D

hahahaha awesome !!
hahahaha awesome !!
hahahaha awesome !!
hahahaha awesome !!
That was so... yesterday, well for most of Europe :)
hahahaha awesome !!
lol i thought that was a different language, then i realised it's just that the letters are back to front and u can read it all xD
What picture have u been viewing?
some of the letters are wrong way round and some are upside down but if u read it back to front, you can make out all the words of the sentence. get a small pocket mirror and put it to the right of the picture and it will reflect the sentences.
hes Russian, that language is Russian, he's just pusted a Russian photo. I think you're trolling, because my brain can't make any words out of those sentences
man i cant understand why these dumb guys always believin u, you're the best!
he cant troll me, look what ive typed.. "dumb buys"
you almost had me :<
He had me, focking troll
i wont be able to come cast got hockey match
Are you fucking kidding me
Are you fucking kidding me
gl zero
Gl Zero-e
what's point of mpg team? u didnt even make top 3 in that battle of britain cup and lan is around the corner aint it?
suvi :*
wanna play some ET next month bro?
wanna play some ET next month bro?
Unlikely that I'll play ET again but then again I just might because of you.
Get on irc
revising :<
got exam 2moro
e: easy bash
got exam 2moro
e: easy bash
looks like mpg coudn't make it.
gl Testi
Will hand out forfeit win for zeroe since we cant make it today, gl