Effectus vs Italian Death Squad (5566 views)

nl banaan
nl cRackeR
nl outlAw
nl rockskin
nl Vyjiii
it Imp3
it Sir
it Black
it Stevji
it Rus
it Jolly

CB 6on6 OC Spring 2012
Second League - Group B
13.05.12 21:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 OpenCup Spring 2012 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: PHOTOSYNTHESIS (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
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Total Pot: € 7856
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 13


: )
hopefully legato is not going to play....

....we know
really...... we know, he played with us :D
i believe u :PP well we dont want to use him. we just want to find a stable 6th, but till now we didnt come across a suitable player so yea :/.. BUT THE SEARCH CONTINUES
gl dikzakken
gl outlAw
You have € 100 on it IDS
Possible win: € 692
dat dacht ik
Heten we nou opeens weer anders :D
a4d bestond allang man, heb geen zin om te faken. effectus is naam van een oude clan van mij, vond wel tof.

prac @ zondag trouwens voor als je t nog niet wist, half 8 aanwezig! : )
you are crazy :DDDDDDDD
Gl it IDS italian mates...plus gl Photo and rockskin !
thanks friend!
he aint ur friend hes mine gtfo
hoeveel keer gaan jullie nog van naam veranderen
zo vaak photo er zin in heeft, zonder iemand het te laten weten!
a4d bestond allang man, heb geen zin om te faken. effectus is naam van een oude clan van mij, vond wel tof.

prac @ zondag trouwens voor als je t nog niet wist, half 8 aanwezig! : )
gl photo banaan and martijn
izi for photo
ill do my best, friend : )
you got removed from the cup?
huh which one? and why :O
look http://clanbase.ggl.com/rating.php?lid=12642
you are no more in the cup :/
haha we renamed to e, effectus :DDD u see it? u scared me there for a sec haha
you dont see it??
you got removed
no, fumble didnt accept score from the suspki vs a4d match ( http://www.gamestv.org/event/32876-supski-vs-appetite-for-destruction/ )..
and in the match vs bobots my pc crashed and wouldnt turn on anymore so we had a noshow for that. so thats why we have no points :P

will fix it tomorrow with cb admin!
way too easy for effectus
gl outlAw & photo :P de rest interesseert me gwn niet :D
dankje :)
good luck PHOTO <3
GL Jolly.
gl photo! :D <3
martijn all of a sudden had to go, GREAT.. got nl Vyijii to merc
gg wp guys, thanks for the sportmanship
wut happened?
martijn all of a sudden had to go 1 minute before offi. so we asked them if we could get a merc with similair skill, so we got vyjiii. and the match got delayed 30 minutes due to our search for a merc. so ye.. :P
omg vyjiiii omg