Queens vs Nothing But Skillz (7797 views)

de butchji
gb razz
fr Karn4J
pl wiaderko
nl xPERiA
pl Frag'Stealer
ee yEnch
ee Sinnu
nl Hope
ca bN
de stownage

EuroCup XXV - ET SW 6on6

Group A - Second Matchweek

server kindly provided by frmamouth
06.05.12 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET EuroCup XXV » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: xperia (Requestee)
Maps: Missile_b3
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 104024
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 119


first , gl
gl both
typical comment from idiot
thx ! btw i heard KAMZ is a gay parrot
lol instant reply, stop nerding. bye.
Kamz 2 : 0 Harmen, gg
gg wp
stop cocksuckin his dick faggot
"cocksucking his dick"
butchji + Frag'Stealer powerful duet nbs might have problems with doing any obj :P
you underestimating the abilities of anim?!
well comparing to FS and butchji most of this year EC players r shit.
dno what you are talking about, but besides fragstealer and butchji there are alot of the same players as always, just that none of them are active
gl nbs
hoe kom jij nu aan een NL vlaggetje :p
troll weeet niet :s wtf:p
Xarqi is altijd al een nederlander willen zijn, snap ik wel
Gl Wiadro, xPERiA x)
NBS Krein hahaha :D
You have € 30 on Queens
Possible win: € 30.9

GL Queens ;D
no baggiez no win
easy for Frag'Stealer :D
xPERiA !!!!!!!! :)
gl guys!
no baggie ?
who is the better brother in ET! chry vs player.. we will soon find out!
uhm i guess everyone knows the answer
both ain't playing xD
gl jenka
epic disconnect costs us the game :<

gg wp
It was the spawn after we got it :)
yes because we couldn't get our defence up :S
like you would've when u had half of your team pushing that rush already, that was your mistake not the disconnect ;-)
well he had fullspawn because of that, and obj still been at thirdarch
gg wp tho, i got kicked now :<
closed game gg
You have € 1000 on Nbs
Possible win: € 49580

you guys
anim still sucking dick. nothing new here
look this the 2polaks at the bottom :DDDDDDDD
sinnu allstar perfomanced jätkuvad :D:D::D