WinFakt! vs Anexis eSports (22570 views)

gb Baggiez
gb raZz
be chry
nl xPERiA
pl wiaderko
de butchji
be mAus
gb sqZz
fi Squall
it XyLoS
ee Night
gb R0SS

Battle For Berlin II
Grand Final

This will include both maches if needed, so it won't be split be aware of this for your bets!
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Battle For Berlin II » Matchlink
Hosting: Official GTV Coverage
Manager: SimonKinsler (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Radar
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 332597
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Radio Commentary
gb QuadV Audio
By: TosspoT
Listen to TosspoT
Language: English

Total Slots: 1,000
Listener Peak: 78

Video Streams
By: TosspoT
View on GamesTV (external)
Language: English

Viewer Peak: 430

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 394

Overall Viewerpeak: 824


nerd! <3
With movie config I get more than 500 FPS... This can´t be that problem... You are not able to stream when you cant handle 125 fps with movie config...
It´s just because they are lazy to put it on
both matches or just one?
This will include both maches if needed!
wasnt set when i asked.
This will include both maches if needed, so it won't be split be aware of this for your bets!
shit game
Make it twice !
wheres walle
-> [url][/url
znowu bylem pierwszy :D
gl junk52!
lag anybody hm??? lag? lllaaag? lag??
Alaaaaaaann <333
GL mAuske :D
You have € 160 on Anexis
Possible win: € 860.8
Big plays!
Possible win: € 774.63 oh yeh !
someones fucking about with the betting....... stop it!
ain't me

You have € 10.00
gl mAusGG
Total Pot: € 323908

what is the most ?
50viewers already lols
Total Slots: Auto
Used Slots: 69

viespeuk :S
TimbolinA's Gambling Stats ( Rank 439 / 1,938 )

Today 20:00 Anexis eSports 1.26 vs. 4.84 Finlantic6 4,000 € on F6 Lost


e: without stream viewers, only ettv.
sounds like a challenge.
of course stream viewers count, I'm viewing it from there because I don't want to watch from ETTV. saying that stream viewers don't count is the dumbest thing I ever heard since games like LoL and SC2 that have broken all the viewer peak records are doing it from streams with hundreds of thousands of viewers.
godddddddddd why the fuck are you getting so mad?
is ET your life?

chill the fuck out, just trolling around.
there's nothing mad in that comment other than the word "dumbest" maybe? :P overreaction much
only response to anything that occurs
edit that last part from your comment, it's fucking stupid. it's noticeable that you are focusing on numbers and you'll surely turn into one of those "et is death"-guys making comments that most people won't even waste their time to read but you can't deny numbers especially not those from the stream, I and lots of other people are watching from the stream but does that mean we aren't counted as viewers? get out! :D

if anything I think stream viewers should be added to the overall viewer peak.
+1 there should be an overall viewer peak
stream best! tosspot so awesum
et had more than 600 viewers without all the streams.
and there used to be alot of streams

e: and just chill man dont take it too seriously, just fooling around here :p
hate them et is deaf guys :c
You have € 350 on Anexis
Possible win: € 1505

gl mAus! <3
You have € 4100 on Anexis
Possible win: € 17630

gl Anexis
Gl Anexis ihr rockt dat ding
idiots bet on anexis
You have € 834 on Anexis
You won € 2702.16
Good luck R0SS!
ich hoffe anexis rockt dat game :D Gl and Hf
Saleneuvos just all-in-ed :>
he lost everything last time
he lost 300k, still has 100k+ left
tosspot ; its crimminal !
2-0 anexis
it will be 4-0 anexis, gg wp
You have € 4268 on eu WinFakt!
Possible win: € 6188.6

dat game
Decided to tune in. Question though: when people stream, why don't they use a movie config? Surely it would make it look much better..
because it probably would decrease the fps..
if ure computer is able to stream in a decent quality, the fps in et shouldnt be the problem :D
but let's assume your pc isnt that good.. would it decrease the ingame fps?
what the fuck did I just read
because it probably would decrease the fps..
Ask Tosspot, okay, he stream on FullHD and quality is way better than our stream, but I can´t see any graphic or smth.. No score bars, no additional info. etc... :( So sad.. And no movie config :/
razz vs sqzz
gg nice match
why arent stream viewers (if it is video) and ettv viewers summed up for the viewer peak? This match has quite a big amount of viewers, might even get close to the the top10? :)
errr no, would need around 500 more lol.

plus i bet there are some people watching the stream and the ettv too
well the viewerpeak is still wrong then :)
I think to get into the top10 it'd have to break 1,100 or so, the last match to do so was CiC7 final with ~ 1,400 viewers in 2010 :P
because they didn't know 2nd finalist yet..?
827 viewers....0_o
Apparently there are around 100/150 both watching ETTV and streaming.
stop spoiling it kamz, jeez
i mean watching others play et is boring but dont ruin it for the rest.....
What? I'm just saying from insider info.. adding up the two totals does not mean that is the number of viewers.
Why you calling me retarded mate? I did not even say anything to you moron.
kamz fail :D againnnnnn :p
Then why does it said u replied to me?
the reason why you reply in such hatefull and retarded way? i have no idea, but as i refer in my comment i myself and kamz dont like to watch et, since it is boring, and posts like he is giving constantly on gtv, like 847 isnt big or whatever, kills the fun for some ppl, so or you misinterpretated me or you're just a retarded polak who has nothing better to do than randomly flame somebody, gn sir
what did i say wrong ;(
We estimate around 2400 actual viewers since the avg viewer/computer is ~2.76
l0l true that.. everybody gathered around computer watching ettv :D
no fubor = no win.. battle for berlin
"How to play ET" - by Anexis, now available in your lokal bookstore.
You have € 130 on de Anexis
Possible win: € 421.2
8:0 is hard XD thx for money btw You have € 229 on de Anexis
You won € 741.96
8-0 gg
You have € 50 on Anexis
Possible win: € 162

Woot well played Anexis awesome performance <3 Squizzy
You have € 1000 on Anexis
You won € 3240
You have € 1115 on Anexis
You won € 3612.6
Well Played Anexis, great final :)
You have € 376 on de Anexis
You won € 1218.24
boom. anexis praccing = annexis winning. wp guys (both teams). nice game !

winfakt had a bad day...
Anexis really nice teamwork :)
great final

You have € 134 on de Anexis
You won € 434.16
OMG, Not a single map won. BAD.
deserved win, gg!
wp anexis
gg's . wp anexis. looked too strong. baggiez played well....
Thanks kevlar.

Do you want to send me a Razor headset?
you weren't THAT good. calm down lad :P
sa fais mal au fesses !
commenting on epic match
to bad winfakt!
winfakt would have deserved atleast one map^^

You have € 450 on de Anexis
You won € 1458
You have € 99 on Anexis
You won € 320.76

the best perfomances ive seen for a long time. GG!
wp, nice to watch
good game :)

razz highest dmg received (like always) by a mile and lowest given, so i say it again, he is a useless player if you are playing a team that knows how to play well together and have good individual players too. unfortunately, anexis is the only team that fits that criteria right now.
All in.......
You have € 263 on de Anexis
You won € 852.12
ans again the statistics fail
gg wp deserved keep playing that way and u own LAN easy :)
Brb shining new Deathadder
Already giving up?
SUp with winner spirit?
And once again, razz with a great perfomance. The 8 hours ET praccs per day going well, train hard go pro !

gratz vaiko ross and sqzz = )
Couldn't have said it better. It's unbelievable how bad he is considering the time he has put in over the years.
it's funny, because ppl said exactly this about you back when you were still active
Even in my most active days, don't think I could come close to how much some people play nowadays. I'm talking about 10-12 hours a day.. Continuously, throughout the whole year.. What the fuck..
statistics are bugged. nice...
wiaderko only 5k dmg over 4 maps :}
surprised? i am not.. although 5k is pretty bad damage, didn't think he was that bad
maus frag @ end :O
lol nerds got owned

unlucky razz next time mate!!!!
You have € 200 on Anexis
You won € 648

Really awesome match and awesome coverage :)

It's criminal!
For those who want the audio stream of Tosspot:
Last match was much more intense, still wp Anexis :-)
Like twidi said to me, I think it was kinda replay of us vs finns :D
Holy fuck. I don't know what's more fucked up. Ross' car or Baggiez face.

That axe is twice the size of his arm as well..
You have € 6300 on Anexis
You won € 20412
You have € 400 on Anexis
You won € 1296

You have € 2000 on Anexis
You won € 6480
You have € 64 on de Anexis
You won € 207.36
dobrze wiadro :DDDD tylko name Ci zostal :D
czy ty naprawde jestes taki tepy? Slyszales kiedys o bugu na statach? Kretyn.
What a shame incon, you couldn't carry your team.
#PMCG oD 8
started by Flippppp 1m ago. WinFakt! vs Anexis
08.05 21:30

1 / 6
Ana's GTVd ETTVoD #33
started by Wlr 10m ago. ChAos// vs >LHS<
02.05 21:00

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andyF1 GTVd oD 4
started by rbnt 18m ago. WinFakt! vs Anexis
08.05 21:30

1 / 6
h3ll's oD #1 -
started by Yoddha 20m ago. WinFakt! vs Anexis
08.05 21:30

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Ana's GTVd ETTVoD #11
started by sriki22 22m ago. WinFakt! vs Anexis
08.05 21:30

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ETTVod #Msh100 20
started by Come clarity 1h 4m ago. WinFakt! vs Anexis
08.05 21:30

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ETTVod #Msh100 3
started by eron 1h 17m ago. WinFakt! vs Anexis
08.05 21:30

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andyF1 GTVd oD 2
started by 2sugars 1h 17m ago. WinFakt! vs Anexis
08.05 21:30

2 / 6
#PMCG oD 4
started by Zawisz 1h 39m ago. WinFakt! vs Anexis
08.05 21:30

1 / 6
since this match, razz has requested a replay 7 times.