Grenades Galore vs bacardi team (5517 views)

ca bN
gb chEwz-
nl xPERiA
pl sw1ruz
pl upLoad
pl wassabi
10.05.12 22:45 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: chewz (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
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Total Pot: € 7324
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 39


izi chewz :P
izi chewz :P
gl bacardi rozjebcie low :d
gl bacardi
my money on realize, feel like it's gone already tho
i need warmup :(
explanations before the game, you really seem confident! bb money
There is a virgin in one of those teams, can you find him?
You have € 13 on G+
You won € 27.17

gg xPERIA beest
niet echt hoor haha alleen erdenberg :-p
heb ook alleen erdenberg jou lopen speccen^^
anim deliver
Went from 2 time map highest dmg and positive dmg to noob on erden :( best brain in ET tho ;) ggs wp lads x
You have € 18 on us G+
You won € 37.62
Arnold znowu konczy z ET?
jaki koniec? teraz taki syriusz biznes ze az zaczalem pod krawatem grac
nie no moja wina, najebany, po maturze i do tego w chuj zmeczony. Arnold nie ma co konczyc, biore wszystko na siebie!
co to kurwa za najebanie jak perfekcyjnie trafiasz w klawisze
Are these pliers sharp? bacardi wassAbi 23 deaths without fragging
get live
23 deaths without fragging
Leave him alone :(
red shirt 110 deaths
So? Did u even watch the game? :D
I did. You were shocking Rich mate. Shocking.
:D:D:D:D LY2MM xo
trolled hard anyways, did not watch l0l
Dont lie, rumour has it, you watch every game on ettv, u have 5 monitors to make it happen ;)
fuck, busted :(
5? Come on, that's just silly...

He has 10.
you know i didnt but stats are all that matters br0
anim teamcarrier :D
You have € 10 on G+
You won € 20.9

izi e-money
You have € 1054 on us G+
You won € 2202.86
heeey whats up polaks, thought you guys are the best 3on3 team out there
they're... it's just that they never play exept when they have offi while all their oppos play 24/24 7/7... i'm sure that if they pracc, they would roll everyone.
bacardi are playing more 3o3 offis than all 3o3 teams together and they r playing normal irc matches aswell...
the truth is we play offis only, mostly against decent teams which its not so easy to win :o u have no idea how hard is to find offi since no one wants to play against us. we dont play praccs unless its from time to time like 1/2 times a week :o so cut the crap skinny nerd. and dont think winning vs us when we played with ati rifle only makes u good
I always play vs you, i just dont play much anymore :(
you've got more tzac ss than me and arnold together so i think we're not playing that much after all (:
They only play offi's
All their oppos? We only play offis only, and i/we hardly play
why so famous et player star 160cm, 55kg nerd cares about some random polaks? and yes we are the best 3o3 team atm unless our 3rd wassabi is drunk or raped.
I don't care, just find it funny that you are saying you are the best yet losing against these guys :)
stfu fintard
wp uploadi boy <3
JchEWZ = WiN
play all the time
still lose

fuck yeah
I'm counting to get in touch with u @ adroit.
woah ho big man
you're pathetic :D
sorry I dont swing that way mate
Please come to lan so I can smash a brick on the back of your head you fucking polish cunt. Come get a job cleaning my fucking toilet fucking thirdy.
chewz so pro
losing with cheats must be frustrating
actually it's not :)
ah ye makes sense
You have € 1000 on pl bacardi
You lost damm nigga's...