Supski vs Alliance (3368 views)

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13.05.12 01:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: fumbl (Requestee)
Maps: Frostbite
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Total Pot: € 95
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Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 12


he hates pakis cause he is from paki and he ashamed of his gypsi origins
he should be... i am too lol
and why is that?
its embarresing what my people have turned into. i wasnt born there, i was born in england so it gives me a diff prespective. i actually just visited pakistan for a couple months and the country is just pure insanity, the people, the polution, the government.. its all corrupt. the people there make me ashamed to be a pakistani
That's a really nice story bro, and now u live in Singapore?
not really, i just moved here from the U.S...i lived in the U.S like my whole life. im planning on going back to england to study for a couple years
we living hard times i admit.umm but u should not blame the people for that,at least not all of countries have the best interes in keeping poor countries in chaos and is fucked up,and so are many people but dont loose in romania we dont like gypsies,yet we dont actually do anything to help them either.eventually i m pretty sure this will turn back against us.funny thing is that now everybody calls us gypsies because of bad things they do in other countries,but yet i wonder:does any of this maggots realise that they have bad people in their countries as well?

some of the most notorious criminals/thugs and corrupted minds were borned in the rich countries.gypsies are stealing,robbing,using young girls for prostitution,but if this aint happen in London for example every fuckin single day,than i must be crazy to say gypsies are the decease of Europe.And in London...there are the white people who are making bad things.:)
your right i guess, its blame these rich bastards who are running the country. but it was pretty depressing landing in pakistan the past few months and seeing what it had become.. it was my first time back there in almost 10 years. but you are right
yes i am from paki

makes sense
stop calling others retards.u need to come back to your true origins,stop posing in the west european young male ,need to go back to your roots(even if there are gypsi ) and help out your people
pfff i couldn't bet on us zzzzzz
mirror 2good
dat life
its true..
The fact you comment on other peoples life's proves you're insecure
hehe :D