iabg vs JoinTheForce - EUNd (3331 views)

cz darius
cz jano
cz mnew
cz desitka
cz madua
cz t4Mjee
nl Cupra
be Piegie
be eron
be ecklav
be a1Rtj
be ViKODiN
13.05.12 21:45 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: piegie (Requestee)
Maps: Radar
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 2768
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 10


gl myself
gl eron
gl eron
gl eron
gl eron
gl eron
Thx to all my fanboys
gl t4Mj mate!
allemaal na-apers :( WANNABEEZ
allemaal na-apers :( WANNABEEZ
gl eund
gl eendjes
gl iabg
ier se daar se
the one & only dave!:D
gl cupieee
eund gonna euwn
stupid way to win a game :(
at least at gtv stay on 2:2.......
5 € on iabg Lost

nope, if one takes on such a lame attitude, I'm not putting a draw

get out
and now you have finally 3==============================================o
bit lame :x
lame to win like this? yea.. play 3rd map then :<
i <3 zid :DDD
bit lame iabg :P
2 of iabg had to go..
spis je ubohy kdyz po dvou mapach je to 2:2 tak napsat na gtv 2:4 je me uplne jedno jestli by treti mapu dali ale pokud se nehrala tak by nemeli TADY psat nepravdivy skore na cb jim klidne odkejvam ze nas dali 4:0 a na obou mapach fullholdy ale tady by se s tim manipulovat nemelo vzhledem k tomu ze v tom lidi maj gmoney ((na kterej samozrejme STRASNE zalezi zeeee) - ironie)