8Bits vs #causamortis (4799 views)

hu sebi
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hu powi
gb Artstar
be kaze
pl lesti

CB 3on3 OC Spring 2012
Premier League - Group A
17.05.12 19:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 OpenCup Spring 2012 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: _powi (Requestee)
Maps: Adlernest
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Total Pot: € 28699
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Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 31


so izi for Artstar
Sebi macht alle platt ;)
[flag=uk] ArtstAr, please translate tag for me into dutch/english
no just no, de oorzaak VAN de dood;'mortis' is genitivus. Ik vind het altijd zo leuk om mensen te zien de een Latijnse spreuk of een Latijns woord als tag nemen, maar in de meeste gevallen het geeneens fatsoenlijk kunnen vertalen
I don't know what he wrote but for English it means "cause of death"
ye which is doodsoorzaak (: np
vriend ga niet de slimmerik uithangen.. waarom vraag je het dan...
doodsoorzaak = oorzaak van de dood
je gaat toch niet heel de tijd rondlopen en zeggen oorzaak van de dood ipv doodsoorzaak wat
gewoon de nederlandse vertaling is.
gl 8bits !
hf all
You have € 2300 on MORTIS
Possible win: € 5014

no razz, no sqzz.
artstar playing with lowskilled 3rd -_-
they see me low they hatin ;[
not talking about you, talking about ur third. stupid rambo fuck :)
cry more :D

You have € 1000 on MORTIS
You won € 2180
You have € 100 on MORTIS
Possible win: € 218
You have € 81 on gb MORTIS
You won € 176.58

In Artstar, we trust!
You have € 185 on MORTIS
You won € 403.3

You have € 500 on MORTIS
You won € 1090
You have € 250 on MORTIS
You won € 545

thanks artstar et kaze :-)
Artstar such a shit player, always having people to carry him

quit already
wont quit while im winning :S

besides i know i contribute to the team, whether you don't notice it or not. sure i got low dmg but the fact that we won meant i must have done something right?
haha i'm just fucking with you, don't take it too serious. I also know you won't reach the level of aim and dmge players as razz or sqzz normally get, but you're just a nice teamplayer and engineuuuur
suck his dick more ;p
still got some on your lips
damn trolls :( I was never an aimplayer, sometimes I can have an amazing game but I'm never consistent in dmg dealing. but I still won way more offis in the last 4 years than I lost so I don't care!
I thought you once said that you taught phyzic how to aim
and it worked out pretty well ? And don't let the dmg talking
fags get to you!
i never said i taught phyzic to aim i said i brought phyzic into the topscene (coz he got to know my mates and then they made queens 5v5 team)

before he played with me everyone in ec just called him 3o3 cheater blabla etc
You have € 2450 on gb MORTIS
You won € 5341 Dat bet
Dat artstar gets carried, so shit this guy <3
lol kaze u suck
too much" _game_you_dont_own_but_wish_you_had III" :s
Artstar so strong.