JoinTheForce - EUNd vs Runo<3 (4858 views)

nl Cupra
be Piegie
be ViKODiN
be eron
be a1Rtj
be ecklav
nl esSe
gb nips
gb Element
gb hvk
in rAmbo
no Hexagon

CB 6on6 Ladder
03.06.12 21:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: piegie (Requestee)
Maps: Radar
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 25339
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 11


gl esse
gl esSe ;)
gl pig and supra
thanks and fuck off
lol dacht dat die julie maat was
fuck you perkele neekeri
You have € 500 on be jTF.EUNd
Possible win: € 3495

Don't dissapoint me son.
gl erase!
succes ladies!
Good luck Belgians :D
gl hvk nips :)
gl Cupra and tnemelE
needs more roDs!
GL viko!
no worm no win :(
gl eA mens :)
gl rambo :DD
lol rAmbo in erase :DDD

gl cupie & piegie
izi element
gl esSe
lol rambo?
gl Kennen Cupra & Elementm8
gl eund
You have € 100 on jTF.EUNd
Possible win: € 304

Succes vrienden!
You have € 2000 on be jTF.EUNd
Possible win: € 6000
You have € 2000 on be jTF.EUNd
You won € 6000

not good for my nerves
You have € 250 on jTF.EUNd
You won € 750
You have € 250 on jTF.EUNd
You won € 750

dat grush
You have € 250 on be jTF.EUNd
You won € 750
You have € 250 on jTF.EUNd
You won € 750
i'm proud of you, young padawan
You have € 250 on eu eA
You lost

lol expected.. and i dont have money to get rich with :I
You have € 500 on be jTF.EUNd
You won € 1500

thx cupra!
:D lololol

too stoned?
we lost grush by a milisecond, we drove truck through the finish line as the timer stopped but it said axis win and not allies win :< but we didn't deserve to win anyway, shit defence on both maps, deserved by eund