to Make odds even vs a.ToOn (8367 views)

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gb Artstar
fr kartez
be kaze
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be xAv

EuroCup XXV - ET SW 6on6

Playoffs - Upper Bracket Round 2
10.06.12 22:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET EuroCup XXV » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: fanatic (Highadmin)
Maps: Adlernest
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 66803
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 17


gl zMk,syriusz umyj !
hf kartez, tornis & xAv ;)
gl hunter!
izi upload
LETS GO ARTSTAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
gl kartez-xav-kaze
hf dean noob :D
You have € -164.93
Possible Win: € 0

anyone wanna gimme a loan?
gl kartez my bro !
gl xaeeeeeeee <3
gl kartez :)
Gl Kartez ;)
GL aToon! Shouldn't need it but there you go anyway :)
avi for this one. artstar pm me @ cf
the winner goes to wb final and gets top 3? nice eurocup !!!!!!

anyways gl zmk, tornis, artstar =)
this is what ET is without u suvi mate :-(
team poland in top3 of dead ec, unexpected eh
GL zMk :]
hf upli m8 (:
Powodzenia stexx
GL Artstar
GL zMk,fanatic,upload

syriusz umyj :P
nie ma to jak od busted dostac GL , BEZCENNE
gl upli
GL zmk , lesti :)
lycka till tornis!
upperbracket round 2, et is dead
gl lesti & syriusz
trolololo moge juz sobie wpisac w pucharki top3 EC dzieki chlopaki !
gg xAv
bha quoi j'ai tout donné