dLICIOUS GAMING * 3v3 vs ChAos Bois (4374 views)

be P3p3shki
be lolita
be Viquel
gb Mistry
bg dnbradio
bg Drovage

CB 3on3 OC Spring 2012
Sixth League - Semi Finals
10.06.12 20:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 OpenCup Spring 2012 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Meph!sto (Requestee)
Maps: Sp_delivery_te
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Total Pot: € 17592
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 14


yep dude. But i dunno ur real lu :$ i just wrote some names :P
btw guys, can we play this on sunday ? would be great from you..
saturday...change date
gl meph, lolita
Oke, change the date to sunday np for me
done. if u have some news or smthing, just pm me. cu sunday
oh lil warmup vs these and then vs 0SKILL, I see what you did there :D you really wanna meet us in finals right =D
you are not in OC too sad.. but yea, cu in final master nerd :D
t'es vraiment grave. tu fou une date sans demander -_-'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
lol viquel est pas là samedi, et c'était prévu pour samedi, ça les arrange aussi dimanche alors stfu caillera
bande de chèvres :D
gl Drovage
gl chaos bois
gl chaos
gl chaos & mephi
didnt expect this from you stary
gl chaos
no stary no win
I was just a merc not a stable player if they'll need me again I'll be happy to merc again
dnb hasn't played for 5 days aand now complete disaster :D
mephi pete leur la gueul de ma part stp <3 !
Gl :D
ils sont bizzare ./.. regarde comme ils vont exploser les deli ...
avant on les pettais , ils ont skillboost
np mephi il a skillboost aussi.
Gl chAos :)
Thx man..and fix ur pc already ;d
need money to fix this shit..

You have € 121 on ChAos//
Possible win: € 405.35
omg.. that last rush from me.... nobody talked, i thought i could go...
You have € 2700 on deli
Possible win: € 3861

why man why
sorry... i thought i heard a "go try it" but no... xD hadn't played for days i came back few hours ago after a 10hour car trip. i take that loss for me!
well I didn't play for 5 days also..was like : WTF whole the match xd
Stop les mythos je te l'ai dit de pas y aller...
Thanks mates, just made me 335 euros!
You have € 22 on ChAos//
You won € 73.7

wp chaos :)
Je l'avais dis :)
You have € 100 on ChAos//
You won € 335