Controlled Gaming vs palyboyss (5230 views)

us Mccloud
gb Gnome
fi BossHK
fi ZeeTa
fi Tursas
fi ebin
14.06.12 20:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 OpenCup Spring 2012 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Mccloud (Requestee)
Maps: Supply

Total Pot: € 14872
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 23


gl cTRL
Maps: Supply

Avi XD
uhh grand final :D
gl pb guyz
no g4mma no win
gl BossHK =)
morons want on a server without ETTV
15 mins until forfeit you did not wait 15 mins for us,

make up more bullshit

congrats winning final hope you're proud of the outcome. gg and wp
how about quit acting pathetic and just play in 30 mins?
I showed up and asked questions, you just ignored me and kept jumping around.
Somehow I'm not surprised about that.
GG its boring to win final as forfeit :/ Either they were scared to play or just dumb.

True story:
Seems like their server was mentioned at CB(didn't know it), but I visited their server, they were jumping around there, ETTV wasn't there, I asked them questions + told them to connect our server where ETTV was waiting, no one replied, 1 of them was selfkilling and jumping around. I waited like 3minutes there, disconnected and went back to our server. They didn't show up. Seems like forfeit for us.

P.S. After ~14mins last of us connected to their server, they got their speech ability back and told us "was nice to meet you" and started to disconnect :DD So basically they just gave a forfeit win to us.
Doesn't change the fact you ignored me since I though its on our server.
play in 30 min or you feel like you achieved something with this bs
Rules are made by humans and can be changed. I think we can change the rules here at this case.
they are to scared to play and try to get a forfait win , sad :/
It's just opencup. Don't really care anymore because they are doing my head in.
Rules are to be changed. Also, suddenly when 15min was about gone, Zeeta got his speech ability back and was able to discuss with us :))) So you ignored us and just didn't want to play.+ we had players at your server when 15min was gone, but you just disconnected :DD
Show the screenshot
"Told him to take teamchatsonly off ;)" sure, its against rules not not communicate with opponents. I got a screenshot showing you ignoring me and then disconnecting.
lol so sad situation :D but i see on cb forum that it's solved already thank god. btw did this guy delete his comments (i bet he was writing some stupid things so he doesn't want to look dumb:D) or you were replying to nobody? xd
No it's against CB Rules