to Make odds even vs Delinqüentes (7536 views)

pl fanatic
pl zMk
pl grzesiek
es magico
es zwei
de rAKJI

CB 3on3 OC Spring 2012
Premier League - Bronze Final
24.06.12 23:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 OpenCup Spring 2012 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: fanatic (Highadmin)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 52336
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 12


Gl fanatic :)
gl magico, zwei
GL zMk & hunter & Fanatic
Suerte mariconas !
gl magico zwei and amggggggg
gl paneleiros
gl fanatic
some problems with gaming tonight, so hot outside, euro2012 games, will be played in upcoming days :P
Haha cos ze starej gwardi jeszcze zyje ;D
Easy for amgg.
gl zmk
gl delinq
rakji ... u could also take one player from jaymod and that guy would be better than rakji... omg
magico is pretty confident that they can win 2o3 so he wrote me

<magico> ey rakji, we need you sunday 23 cet. you just have to stay at flag and its np, if u go afk. zwei and me will roll them 2o3 but i dont want these polaks getting forfeit win cuz we are only 2 players, so better be here ! thanks

3rd place, serious business
still more than you will ever achieve,little gypsy :D :D :D
Rather get first place in 2nd division than the third place *which you won't get anyway :))* in the first division.
still more than you will ever achieve,little gypsy :D :D :D
rofl, you're a terrible faggot
Ey magico, i'm sorry but i cant play til the match eng-italy is over. But i think its done til 23.15 ;)
with penalties it might end after 23.30
Yep, but i cant make it earlier since i got guests over here. Sorry :/

E. I hope its done till 23.15 :))
ok i get it, we're watching it too so okay
Max du nerd :pp
gl fanabro
smrody jebane

Killing Spree toMakeoddseven/grzesiek 6 frags without being killed
Magico losing like a boss
still more than you will ever achieve,little gypsy :D :D :D
3rd world country has spoken.