MYSTERIOUS MONKEYS vs Effectus (7045 views)

de rAMOZje
de ohzor4
de fendah
de mztic
at joii
ru zentic
nl banaan
nl cRackeR
nl martijN
nl outlaw
nl Efax

CB 6on6 OC Spring 2012
Second League - Semi Finals
18.06.12 22:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 OpenCup Spring 2012 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: fREAK[rAMOS] (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
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Total Pot: € 16507
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 15


No offence but bltzz is not allowed to play for you team, if we follow the CB rules.
He played EuroCup qualifiers with mkida and he played also OC premier league groupstage with them.

CB Rule: You cant go from a higher to a lower division.

Normally you cant play bltzz, you played twice oc & ec qualifier allready.

Anyway gl to both teams
I see what you did there :)
That have you done good, i believe i spider.
fick dich!
wo bist du? am donnerstag haben wir ein offi gegen F6!
:( ?
correct, he wont play. he never told us, and we didnt follow ec qualis or whatever. if this will get us disqualified i will murder his family
u wont murder shit.first of all u are a pussy.pussy dont murder,pussy gets murdered.second of all u dont know any technique to kill some1,not to mention mass murder.third,even if by any chance u would murder probably an old guy uncapable of defending himself,u would end up in jail.and u know what happends in jail with the faggots?they get ass raped hard.
thank you unforgiven
my pleasure u fuckin retard.i say i will murder goku @ lan and everybody buys it and i get banned,u say u will murder an entire family and nobody does pro comunity is amazing
Goku was at the last LAN, what about you dickface ?
being a dickface i was to ashamed to come
... :D
we wisten t niet, hij vertelde ons niets.. maar net alsof die gecarried heeft ;P
dan nog boeit het mij bitter weinig :D
You have € 6 on mMONKEYS
Possible win: € 13.08

nl fusii for bltzz
+ can u add nl Efax aswell, thanks!
gl effectus
push this back another week, and i can finally play without lag ;)
lets do 7on7 guys??
where kiwi?
CB dont allow him to play :(((((((((((((((((
ohoh i thought he joined your team mate
kiwi sux anyway
deine mum suckt anyway

schorle in de kopp
true words lOOOOOOOOOL
gl cracker
gl cracker m8
gl cracker bro
gl cracker lad
gl big dick photo! <3
efax still playing?
no, but hes our backup. but when he plays he still does some serious damage to the oppo :PP
I didn't know he still plays lol. last time I saw was like 3 months ago :3
Not still, but again after 3 months xD
I was bizzy with... =D

I've found the good combination with that and work and game xD
Gl Effectus:~)
gl cracker
gl effectus
Quotehey Photo,

iam sorry to tell you but we won the Game by forfeit cause your APL was jsut filled with 4 (5) Players for the Game... Talked to tamje, hf&gl in your game for the 3rd Place.


i already told ohurcool i cant pick players nor the team at APL list.. theres a list of teams but effectus is not in it.. im not even joking...
we were flamed by rules are rules by fucking cb admins so i ASKED!!! if that can be true that you are just 4 guys on apl, then i talked to tamje about that and he gave us a forfeit win, i just asked if its true with 4 players on apl! i asked also goldorak about that! :)

all players who are added as effectus lineup here on gamestv, are added to APL. so wtf :D?
during that time there were only 5 guys on APL, but noone knew PHOTO asked ohurcool to accept players on APL before cuz ohurcool didnt tell us ;o
ye I guess I was busy that day and forgot to mention it :P
maybe now you understand why i asked them about that :)))

e. never said anywhere: WE WANT A FORFEIT WIN CUZ THEY ARENT 6. but like you see it was a misunderstanding between CB. all is fine :)
Obviously yes, and we are sorry for this :s

for me it exactly sounds like "we want a forfeit win cuz they arent 6" but okay :D

e: my point is that you should settle these things on private chats, try to find a solution if something is wrong, just between team leaders + cb admins. on the other hand , if effectus players are in CB roster but not on APL and they are theoretically allowed to play for a team because they are their players/havent played with any other team before, they should be alllowed to play with yellow card, not red, i guess (at least that's how i understand this part of rules). btw i didnt try to flame anyone tho so don't be mad B)
then i wouldnt do "?" after all the question but ok all problems are fixed :)
they werent at first, tamj added them an hour ago after he talked to ramoz. first it was like 4 players, so yea. but still as i said, i couldnt add them when ohurcool asked me, like 2 weeks ago, effectus wasnt in the list of teams to choose from... fucked up that it has to be like this
there arent any problems anymore. i asked tamje/goldorak about that fact, they will confirm i was just asking and not going for forfeit like: we want forfeit. but yes they did a mistake. now all are fixed and we can play :P
Why do u complain? Efax have played before with them, and man they won you! Stop whining about ET matches in 2012!
this game is now re-open as effectus had 10 players on APL, free days are added - tll 21/06 - to play this
troloool :DDD

RAMOZ - the guy who reached semi-final because he used a MERC who was a way better than his whole team + he wasnt on APL and he wasn't allowed by CB rules (kiwi) and now he's talking about using mercs and APL list by their opponents. :DD

how about letting them play vs you with players who are not on APL? (MERCS) in the same way you made it into semi-finals, now you advance to final because of forfeit xD

just a short example, mind's team in EuroCup has like 3-4 players from their lineup in CB roster and still no one complained about it and they continue playing with "mercs" because people want to play and no one really cares if he's in cb roster or not as long as a player is not playing for 2+ teams in one season. (you know whaat i mean, he changes teams like a boss in every matchweek etc)

RAMOZ wake up, it's 2012.
As i said - effectus had 10 players on APL - this game had to be played
The different is for me: I asked for a Merc with Name, they didnt have 6 Guys on APL. ok now it is and all is right. Was just ASKING tamje & co but ok.
you even pmmed the enemy saying you received a forfeit, lol.
idd saD team thats why u have to counter attack when they are trying get forteit win
if u know you won't win, be a retard :D
the thing is, they will probably win..
we dont play much together, last time we pracced was 2 weeks ago, and if we prac its 1 or 2 times a week. no excuses, just stating the facts ;P
hey our last game was vs u in pracc! :D
haha that was our last game aswell, after that we only watched NL fail in Euro Cup ;PP
sick aka outlaw aka busted cheater.
Gl finished
Gl finished m8
gl zentic
all in on the deventerse gangsters
You have € 6 on PHOTOSYNTHESIS
Possible win: € 0 you faggot, this guy cant even aim correctly + hes a fckin jaymoder

thanks friend <3
guess u were right :SSSSS im so fucking bad :SSSSSS
zentic mein kleiner freund glgl hfhf :)
es ist lustig, weil er ist wirklich klein hihih
gl Effectus :)
Gonna play on HOTSPOT (3G) cause my UPC is down. Good luck hitting me
maybe lets just play lol?
gg wp guys, nice oppo

ga is slapen joh <3
was beetje aan t browsen GA NU ECHT :D, trust swahhhhhh!!!!
No german carrier no win, to bad u didn't get the forfeit, right ramoz? I mean... that's what it is all about
There is s1 talking, who is making a Deal before Match, and after losing he wants a forfeit win :) Right Highway, thats what it is all about, and you are the best one who know that :)
no flR no win. its as simple as that. duuuh