TALIBAN vs bacardi team (4057 views)

ee peeter
ro stary
nl karma
pl wassabi
pl feres
gb hste
30.06.12 22:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Miscellaneous » Matchlink
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: Stary (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
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Total Pot: € 11009
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 19


gl hste & stary
gl Stary and Karma
gl upli spuscie :XD
I don't end lowest damage when I play Peeter m8, nice try tho :(

Peeter: 1180 total screenshots

still lowest damage with that nerding :XD
Tout dépend de la manière dont tu joues... Si t'es agressif, il est normal d'avoir plus de dg..
Yeah, when you play you get knocked the fuck out before the final.
loosing a close map against nerds playing 3v3 24/7 isn't that bad :D

You so mad, cause you so bad. random-meme.jpg
Stary: 1561 total screenshots
kArma: 1333 total screenshots
Peeter: 1180 total screenshots

DEM LIVES :D and still can't win a single cup. I feel sad for you :$
Provok we both know you will lose this flame war. You're a frenchy, just bring out the white flag your grandpa taught you to sow already...
he won it already
I'd pwn you as hard as I did last time, but kArma might take offence.
last time? :)

dude you cant even aim properly, dont even talk about owning.

e: Peeter: 1180 total screenshots

and still cant into own

he is right u fucking nolife noobfaggot
I'm glad you know it. Can't be touched !