3 against the world vs TALIBAN (3371 views)

de stRay
de znArk
pl fanatic
nl kARMA
nl fatty
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gb stKz

CB 3on3 Ladder
05.07.12 01:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: znArk (Requestee)
Maps: Et_ice
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Total Pot: € 1372
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Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 16


gl karma gaylord :*
gl karma
kats nie wies
easy as always.... stray savin frost^^^^^^^^
It's a shame people can't just be polite and civilized about playing, instead just acting stupid all the time
It's a shame people can't just stand some nice and funny people who are enjoying et on their way.. but these people (like me YAAA BOOOM) make everybody always so maddddddddddd
The only thing that is funny is the fact that you genuinely think you're funny and cool with these comments :)
im not thinking it, im knowing that!
lets be honest, if anyone from the uk had started playing rifle it wouldnt be that hard to have gotten into the national team.. hes pretty much the only player from the uk who plays rifle :)))))
whats your point kumar?
Oo racism nicenice guess u still must be mad over ur loss

But you should prob start playin rifle, cuz at this rate fumble will beat you to team uk

nahh wouldn't wanna steal your thunder xD u seem really happy with ur et success :D
Well I respond because people like you seem jealous over it xddd
lol, if i wanted to be in team uk as badly as u i'd have played every day for the past 4 years too :D didn't play for 2 years then come back and you so good man! so jelly
I haven't even played et for 4 years ;D fact that I've probably played half the time you have and ur still struggling to break through to medskill :( its ok m8 xoxoxo
but you've played constantly since you started...not healthy man! I'd hardly say I'm struggling to break through med skill, unless you consider yourself med skill xD havn't been active for 3 years just playin for lulz :P not serious gamer anymore like you mate but its ok life can get better xoxoxo

Read the first line though, sorry to say, wrong again.

the first line? that's pretty much the whole comment, well done retard. Bored of you n your ego now tho, your like the english stray xD
On my phone the first line Is about 9 words, so ur wrong again :(
christ, grow up :(
Cannot into christ, against my religion bro :(
sorry, lets just be friends
okay :(
mad cuz true?
Brb shining gold medal

Is this the thing where you flame me in public then say sorry to me on ts chat/ irc ?
I think its cute
good technique so you dont kick me and i can talk with rito + nice carrying this NC, pause, NAT!

gl kamz#2
Nt rly, u weren't even speaking, you would join the channel and not say a word for like an hour, then randomly disconnect xD, everyone on ts was taking the piss out of you after too :(
oh sorry i shouldnt have done a figure of speech. i was WRITING to rito. + i really couldnt care less about things people say about me, you dont have to try making me feel bad about it

znark wtf, stop losing