qualitY gaming vs tryout (3518 views)

sk aiRen
sk filuS
pl KieraS
be Frauwe
fi lEku
pl Arturinho
pl Tokar
pl Zgred
pl sNi
pl mAre
pl sprAjt

CB 6on6 SC 2012
Fourth League - UB Round 1
15.07.12 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 SummerCup 2012 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: aiRen (Generaladmin)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 15212
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 18


avi next week =D
Seriously the most awkward cup ever, Fourth League ??
hf fliuS & lEku :]
gl leku
gl Artur, sNi :)
ej wiesz co ja cie zapierdole 8D
hahhahhhhhhha :D
pozdro wskazane,
You have € 5 on try
Possible win: € 90.45

Wierze w was pl!
gl qualitY!
gl mAre zgred artur hf kieras
Yea jestem na 1 miejscu w komentarzu u kuliga!
mare mare ja tez sie ciesz3 :D!!
gl lEku lankesit paskaan
si airen where u see @ cb tryout?
I´m not slovenian...

Well, Checked LU and I mean it´s this... PM admin, he can change it.
btw we cant play @ 20
Why u accept it than?
gl TRY pozdro od calego wolfs :*
gl mAre Tokar Arturinho :] :*
gl Kacper :*
bejbe bejbe bejbe oooooooooool maj 8D
lEku <3
gl Frauwe my mate <3
Blazej gonna own them
gl Frauwe
Gl sNi , sprajt :)
<Anexis|koks> o tryout przesunelo mecz, zeby najpierw nas zobaczyc. Nawet Fanatic przestawil narodowy.
insej ale fanatic nie przesunol meczu :P!
kieras <3
gl tryout!
lol ip?
sinnsyk czemu cb nie maa :? nie nadrabiasz skillem czy co ? <to nie jest sarkazm> :!