Devastation vs Improper Bastards (4795 views)

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CB 6on6 SC 2012
Second League - UB Round 1
15.07.12 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 SummerCup 2012 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: TOMOYO (Requestee)
Maps: Supply

Total Pot: € 7925
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: unknown


omg Domi omg
gl tomobro
gl dev
gl domi bro! <3
GL tomobro !! ;D
spuge out, squall in
he is not allowed, unless you add him to your CB roster & APL
squalli will now be allowed to play for your clan in this cup.
This also means he/she can not play for any other clan in the ET SW 6on6 Summer 2012.
gl vermu
jacker gonna roll
Great sportmanship from the finmans.
squalli has been allowed, carried ib, won the game
You have € 250 on eu deV
You lost

tomo, you are so mad? :o
better shut the fuck up piece of shit, did u speak during the game or ? you were just happy to get fucking carried hard by squall, is that a legit way to play, was that sportsmanship? no
get the fuck out now
stop being mad for a dead game
surtout que Devastation se fait carry par des mercs d'EC en div2 :DD
Thats really fucking strange aint it. You bring in squall 20 min before the match, go act like fucking try-hards for a forfeit win on supply. And we thought you were nice guys, but guess what, when its about winning you are fucking inbred fintards.
You have € 29 on fi ib
You won € 167.33

lol hirvi<3
You have € 250 on ib
You won € 1442.5
You have € 24 on fi ib
You won € 138.48
Easy money !

Devastation needs some EC mercs to carry them, wp IB, deserved win !
Ou tu vois des joueurs d'EC? ":D"
ils en ont besoin justement !
:DD (ça me rappele certains nerds qui nous jouaient avec leur EC ultrabu en oc 4th ou winter 5th)
genre quand on avait joué olBaa en finale div5 ? :D
Voilà, ou modus en div4 :)
You seem quite upset bro.
!?!??!?!??!?!! :(
Tomoyo mad or ??
vu le cancel ettv ça doit mad severe oui
match wasn't played on ETTV = cancel
ohurcool Today 23:05 sorry but if the match wasn't played on ETTV, it must be cancelled here