Frenchtards vs Rage Quit (2838 views)

fr Rapk
fr Pupa
fr fraczij
pl staminaboy
pl masoh
is sosji

CB 3on3 Ladder
16.07.12 00:45 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: sosji (Requestee)
Maps: Sp_delivery_te
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Total Pot: € 6576
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 13


gl french tards <3
sosji positions on supply axis:
1stage : up
2nd : in tree next to the gate
after gate blows : main/west tower
all the time hiding like monkey
gl with it :D
not needed, we are going to camp like low+ backrapers
You have € 10 on pl fTard
Possible win: € 82.2

sosji is overrated
sosji is a really good player on supply, but not that awesome on others map (no offense)
same skill @ other maps. Prefer to play gold, but probably u cant play it, so u eliminate it first. good game.
+1 I wont agree to play grush on 3on3, think this map is only good on 6on6
You have € 10 on pl fTard
You won € 94.1
Thanks sosji :D
chuja o mnie wiesz! W srodkowej kocham napierdalac :XD
i czasem na drewnie kampi :P
Gl masoh & sosji:D
gg wp
You have € 40 on pl fTard
You won € 376.4

THX <3
You have € 71 on RQ
You lost

You have € 104 on RQ
You lost

You have € 85 on pl fTard
You won € 799.85
You have € 99 on fTard
You won € 931.59
thx bro!
You have € 65 on fTard
You won € 611.65