phantasmagoria vs Gamedivision (5442 views)

be Sup3r
be nuNca
be Lazio
be uNDEAd
fi toNi
gb Griim
xi TBA
xi TBA
xi TBA
xi TBA
xi TBA
xi TBA
23.10.07 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: eChaoZ ET 6v6 Cup
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: h3ll (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Not announced

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de pWend!!! ETTV1
By: mUnduS (ettvd)
nl #snd-gaming ETTV
By: heretiic (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 42


too easy for phan
A+R still alive?
undead <3
lazio <3
griim <3
thought A+R died
Lineup eu Phantasmagoria
be Sup3r
be nuNca
be Lazio
be uNDEAd
fi toNi
gb Griim
all in for phanta:>>>

phantasmagoria 1.02 vs 58.90 AgonyRealm

what for bet ?
cheaters will win
500 on AE
ezbash 4 hax
gl sup3r and nunca
gl cheaters
easy for phan
gl super & nunca
GL both team.
easy bash for hackers
A+R Lineup ?
A+R is dead afaik
Too easy for phan!
ton1 at phan? ok! =o didn't know that Phantasmogoria ftw 4 sure!!

phantasmagoria 1.05 vs 20.75 AgonyRealm Total pot: 150180 €
Your bet: 84000€ on phan Possible Win: 88,200.00 € (+4,200.00 €)

xDDDDDDDD gl lazio !! make me rich
toNi & ton1 2 different players : )
*OMG* all my money on A+R ^^
ez for phan ofc and everyone knows why ! GL phan anyway :)
Easy for phan, A+R arnt EC skilled imo. + Phan have hackers
gl toNi + Sup3r
gl toni!
proberly won't be played seems a+r is dead.
Normally replaced with echaoz clanbase hosted cup semi-final vs gD
echaoz cup is alive?
griim get them, my tiger! grrrr
easy bash for griim </3

ez bash for cheaters
Your bet: 5€ on gD
Possible Win: 148.60 € (+143.60 €) =D
griim > all in this match:D

gl phan
ez bash 4 teh hax
idd dazer!
dont think we gonna win but ok ^^
Lineup gD:

be Dreamer
be Emzii
be ChigoAmi
be Syl(vester)
nl Fusi
be Sai
I thought gD can't play matches mondays till fridays

that's what nawor said at least
we where just lucky that we had 6 ppl today
4-0 phan
nice guys <3
:=) , haxers do it again :o)