Team xlibres vs jukud (4055 views)

se Ekto
de ScaTmaN
de Torte
de psiquh
de flux
de M4ulwurf
ee scope
ee dampface
ee karu
ee Apollo
ee mcleod
ee Lullaby
#et.tourney II - 4th Division
Lower Bracket Final

29.07.12 21:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: #et.tourney » Matchlink
Hosting: #et.tourney
Manager: Ektomorf17 (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
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Total Pot: € 3846
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 8


2v6 ? gl hf
lolol so sad
You should ask maybe before using mercs who carry you... :)
You should ask maybe before using mercs who carry you... :)
You should ask maybe before using mercs who carry you... :)
GL Team xlibres ;)
You have € 50 on de xls
Possible win: € 75
gl ScaTmaN
np für Scati :-DD
Hf ekto torte
nunu glhfgg
winner vs me ^^
gl hf
flux regelt
gl jukud.
scope nerd :p
izi :D
let the flame begin, hf
most retarded and lowskill clan ever ....TEAM XLIBRES
because ur team has no 6players =xD
idc actualy we won upperbracket already