house collective vs Prove it. (6221 views)

ca rito
us wesker
fi vATU
us peaches
co stoner
us bape
pl Zyla
pl Proskill
pl boski
pl kucyk
pl lewy
pl NoobyGirl

#et.tourney II - 5th Division
Lower Bracket Final

31.07.12 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: #et.tourney » Matchlink
Hosting: #et.tourney
Manager: fanatic (Highadmin)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 5358
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 10


GL Prove it! :D Cisnij tam Zyla!
gl NobyGirl : D
tORM <333333333333
NOOBY <333
match today xD OH OKE XD
can be 21:30 :D?
magus <3 , dzydziu :) , ipod why he got more hearts :{ not fair :DDD
So I Play?
you better because

You have € 10 on us ]^[
Possible win: € 22.4
You have € 235 on ]^[
Possible win: € 498.2
omg real torm?
gl NoobyGirl
LB/UB Final games have been forced for today because none of you contacted me about date yet, and we are a lot behind schedule. i may accept moving it to thursday, but thursday is a last deadline.
we had conversation about it yesterday( i mean with dedz) cuz i just came to my city. i think today its ok. just wrote to hc to move hour to 21:30 or best would be 22 , so prove it will be on time, hope hc also. sorry for waiting but as u know we were in cracow .
GAME OF THE YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111111111111111
gl Prove it :)
<3 wiernie nam kibicuje :D nie zapomne o Tobie na meczyku ;D moze pozdro od poke, no ale zawsze :DDDD
nie wiem jak to z czasem bedzie, ale postaram sie ogladac :>
jak jest co to nie jest offi , albo nie na gtv, a tutaj najczesciej nie ma co w naszym wykonaniu :D ah ten stresik , ah ta delirka :D haha
GL proveit, kompani! :D
hf Alicja :)
a no trzeba teraz odbic za lana ;D
dat vATU :{D , gl!
tORM GL ; )
no strayans no win m8s...
no no ostatnio juz gdzies to widzialam noobygrile , gryly , ale gerla jeszcze nie:D <3
gl Midas ET TOURNEY & SUMMERCUP 3VS3 FINALISTMANS patiently waiting for the winner of this match.
gl both
gl boski
gl friends, sorry I wont be in attendance.
Today 05:00 ChST

talk with noobygirl if you want to postpone this :P
i played alot on lan so sure playin at 5 am its good idea XDDD , srsly in crazy way its possible but i think not for my mattes ;p best would be 22 today ;p
so you said you talked to dedz yesterday, did he say we'd be avi today? he isn't online atm and so is half our team so I'm a little confused as to whats going on :(
sorry matte i didnt pick up this match
message from up lines :

pl fanatic` Tuesday, 31st July 2012 11:17
LB/UB Final games have been forced for today because none of you contacted me about date yet, and we are a lot behind schedule. i may accept moving it to thursday, but thursday is a last deadline.

i just said i can play today :P
oh okay, we have 3 players online atm and dedz might still show up and I'm in the process of contacting another but that still leaves us down one. could we use a merc (idk the rules)?
maybe u wanna play in thursday or tomorrow? date is not a problem for us ;p about merc hoho :D u know in rly its not a problem but not highskilled etc :D ull get for ex. sqzz and u can leave serv cuz anyway ull win :D i hope u got a point :D
Hey, we'll play today at the Date and time it shows on GTV. We'll use mercs with equel skills of those above.!
np we can play today, I won't add any highskillers
plz no fake nicks :D haha :) oke can be 21:30 or 22?
i can only play if its like 1700 CET.

400 ping too easy anyways :o)
about ping huh idc in rly cuz i play on wifi = lags like hell
but my mattes were cryin about your ping i wonder 4 who was easy to shot :D but like i said idc i have 999 like 122324 times in game :P
gl my noobygirl <3
geeliä vatu.
gl Ala, lewyboy
GL kuc
hf Ala <3
srsly just reschedule this shit

only online next week most likely
dedz has been impeached
hf colombians and wesker
gl hf Prove :-)))
wp prove
gl zyla!
2-4 proveit
stats bugged i had 16363 dmg
dedz :(((
gz Nooby i spolka!!! A teraz ide sobie powtorke ogladnac :DDD
boskiego wyrzucili z delivry?
nie, jakbys nie zauwazyl jest u nas na b-upie... :/
deeddzz give real stats :<
You have € 90 on pl prove!t
You won € 306

ale :c Red Shirt prove!t NoobyGirl 86 deaths
wazne ze wygrany <3 :D
jakby nie patrzec bylo poswiecenie wiec obj = done :D
house tag forever ruined