house collective vs Prove it. (6221 views)

31.07.12 21:00 CEST
Status: | Finished | ![]() Get Button LinksHTML: BBCode: |
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League: | #et.tourney » Matchlink | |
Hosting: | #et.tourney | |
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Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 10
Viewer Peak: 10

GL Prove it! :D Cisnij tam Zyla!
gl NobyGirl : D
tORM <333333333333
NOOBY <333
NOOBY <333
match today xD OH OKE XD
can be 21:30 :D?
magus <3 , dzydziu :) , ipod why he got more hearts :{ not fair :DDD
can be 21:30 :D?
magus <3 , dzydziu :) , ipod why he got more hearts :{ not fair :DDD
So I Play?
you better because
You have 10 on us ]^[
Possible win: 22.4
You have 10 on us ]^[
Possible win: 22.4
You have 235 on ]^[
Possible win: 498.2
Possible win: 498.2
omg real torm?
gl NoobyGirl
LB/UB Final games have been forced for today because none of you contacted me about date yet, and we are a lot behind schedule. i may accept moving it to thursday, but thursday is a last deadline.
we had conversation about it yesterday( i mean with dedz) cuz i just came to my city. i think today its ok. just wrote to hc to move hour to 21:30 or best would be 22 , so prove it will be on time, hope hc also. sorry for waiting but as u know we were in cracow .
no moove
GAME OF THE YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111111111111111
gl Prove it :)
<3 wiernie nam kibicuje :D nie zapomne o Tobie na meczyku ;D moze pozdro od poke, no ale zawsze :DDDD
nie wiem jak to z czasem bedzie, ale postaram sie ogladac :>
jak jest co to nie jest offi , albo nie na gtv, a tutaj najczesciej nie ma co w naszym wykonaniu :D ah ten stresik , ah ta delirka :D haha
GL proveit, kompani! :D
hf Alicja :)
hf Alicja :)
a no trzeba teraz odbic za lana ;D
dat vATU :{D , gl!
tORM GL ; )
no strayans no win m8s...
no no ostatnio juz gdzies to widzialam noobygrile , gryly , ale gerla jeszcze nie:D <3
gl Midas

gl both
gl boski
gl friends, sorry I wont be in attendance.
Today 05:00 ChST
talk with noobygirl if you want to postpone this :P
i played alot on lan so sure playin at 5 am its good idea XDDD , srsly in crazy way its possible but i think not for my mattes ;p best would be 22 today ;p
so you said you talked to dedz yesterday, did he say we'd be avi today? he isn't online atm and so is half our team so I'm a little confused as to whats going on :(
sorry matte i didnt pick up this match
message from up lines :
pl fanatic` Tuesday, 31st July 2012 11:17
LB/UB Final games have been forced for today because none of you contacted me about date yet, and we are a lot behind schedule. i may accept moving it to thursday, but thursday is a last deadline.
i just said i can play today :P
message from up lines :
pl fanatic` Tuesday, 31st July 2012 11:17
LB/UB Final games have been forced for today because none of you contacted me about date yet, and we are a lot behind schedule. i may accept moving it to thursday, but thursday is a last deadline.
i just said i can play today :P
oh okay, we have 3 players online atm and dedz might still show up and I'm in the process of contacting another but that still leaves us down one. could we use a merc (idk the rules)?
maybe u wanna play in thursday or tomorrow? date is not a problem for us ;p about merc hoho :D u know in rly its not a problem but not highskilled etc :D ull get for ex. sqzz and u can leave serv cuz anyway ull win :D i hope u got a point :D
Hey, we'll play today at the Date and time it shows on GTV. We'll use mercs with equel skills of those above.!
np we can play today, I won't add any highskillers
plz no fake nicks :D haha :) oke can be 21:30 or 22?
i can only play if its like 1700 CET.
400 ping too easy anyways :o)
400 ping too easy anyways :o)
about ping huh idc in rly cuz i play on wifi = lags like hell
but my mattes were cryin about your ping i wonder 4 who was easy to shot :D but like i said idc i have 999 like 122324 times in game :P
but my mattes were cryin about your ping i wonder 4 who was easy to shot :D but like i said idc i have 999 like 122324 times in game :P

co Ci nie pasuje ckie ?:P
gl my noobygirl <3
geeliä vatu.
gl Ala, lewyboy
GL kuc
hf Ala <3
srsly just reschedule this shit
only online next week most likely
dedz has been impeached
hf colombians and wesker
gl hf Prove :-)))
wp prove
gl zyla!
2-4 proveit
stats bugged i had 16363 dmg
dedz :(((
gz Nooby i spolka!!! A teraz ide sobie powtorke ogladnac :DDD
boskiego wyrzucili z delivry?
nie, jakbys nie zauwazyl jest u nas na b-upie... :/
deeddzz give real stats :<
You have 90 on pl prove!t
You won 306
You won 306
ale :c Red Shirt prove!t NoobyGirl 86 deaths
wazne ze wygrany <3 :D
ale :c Red Shirt prove!t NoobyGirl 86 deaths
wazne ze wygrany <3 :D
jakby nie patrzec bylo poswiecenie wiec obj = done :D
house tag forever ruined