Devastation vs ARMY OF THE PHARAOH (3093 views)

no Domi
pl fanatic
pl Kirej
de miiiq
de Warlord
fi Pannari

ESL 3on3 Summer Cup 2012 - Cup #1
Playoffs - WB Round 1
08.08.12 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Summer Series 2012 » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: baq (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Adlernest

Total Pot: € 9281
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 4


wont play it :)
1 way traffic
GL miiiq & pannari <3
miiq playing o.o? gl low+
gl low+ in 1 div 0.o? ty
yes u low+ in first trolol
Hahahaha kijk wie hier praat herman* haarman* kramen* Harmen
ik zit wel niet in 1ste tangmus* muistang* mustink * mustank* mustang
u mad cuz ur lower then low and oh w8 what div. u play?? 5#?
second , and we will see how fast u are out of the cup :p
You have € 5 on AOTP
Possible win: € 163.6

gl pannari
AOTP every member is a baws!

check their new album
gl miig & pannari