Keskus Rikos Poliisi vs (6757 views)

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#et.tourney II - 2nd Division
Lower Bracket Final

16.08.12 21:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: #et.tourney » Matchlink
Hosting: #et.tourney
Manager: fanatic (Highadmin)
Maps: Supply
Loser's Choice

Total Pot: € 25828
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 13


I forced this game because a date hasn't been set yet. Of course you can play this on another time before/after this day, but as we have one more game to be played in this div please play this asap. just talk with each other and let me know!
you dont tell KRP what to do we play whenever we want poland faggot
learn to read idiot

you shouldnt talk to legend like that
well he started without any reason so I don't care if he's a "legend" or a completely unknown guy. he should just watch his words
and you shouldn't watch your words? :D GOOD ADMIN
if you are a pussy and you let some flamers talk to you like that, then go on continue this
I don't flame back, just act mature. hihi like an admin
"i don't flame back" :DDDDD ok enough of these crossfire/gamestv jokes for today. time for some party
not in cups
nie chcialo mi sie szukac bo mam na to wyjebane, ale juz w pierwszym lepszym logu z toba widac jaki jestes jebniety.
idd.. this guy got no respect for legends of this game tbh..
part of rules :

Abusive behaviour towards an Adminn or Supervisor, Referee or opponent, at any time during the cup season, can be punished by the supervisor. If the abuse is severe a supervisor can also punish with a temporary or permanent removal from the cup of either the offending players or the entire clan.

go ahead
tbh just because he is admin, doesn't give him the right to talk to somebody such as ENSAM like that..
you shouldnt talk to legend like that
i will kill you with my glock fagg, but before that i will fuck you because all finland faggs making me so wet
krp mode
lol ego + 100 bigger than ever !!!
gl sticked!
gl sticked
Greetings from stalkkie :DD
HF soma, Skynet and Provok.
gl sticked
GL chhoooooriiissssss
Gl Air, yokoo, Provok :D
no problems for OC gold pocalists
gl sticked
gl sticked
gl RIp
GL les amis ! Sky est pas la non plus ? :o
taiichi a son chien chez le vétérinaire donc il est pas la
et moi j'suis a la playa !
scared legends
fuck krp
needs more olba
needs more ensam&sample

e. olba rambo shit
Ensample awesome :-)

I mean Finland is rolling everybody when they play there and then no play and lose to UK and Team B Poland :|
as i said, today is the last day to play this.
geeks playing at 5:15 AM